Chapter 43: A Wild Suitcase Suddenly Jumps Out and Attacks Me_1

Newly appointed High Prosecutor Dominas should have received the letter. After presenting him with the two-star silver medal as a meet-and-greet gift, Song Lan subtly expressed in the letter his hope that misunderstandings would be resolved and not escalated, and looked forward to future collaborations to create a better society in the Seventeenth District.

Of course, these were lies.

As part of his plan to take down the new High Prosecutor, Song Lan had developed a three-step strategy.

First, by presenting the Silver Star Medal, he gained the trust of the enemy.

Second, he will pretend to offer help while actually gathering evidence.

Third, he will hand over the collected evidence to Lu Xiang.

If the evidence is overwhelming, and if they were delivered directly to the United Government, not even the Foster Family would be able to protect Dominas, leaving him to bear the blame alone.