Chapter 473: The King's Power is Not Eternal_1

"...I run a small-scale business,"

Delta felt that the person in front of her was a bit odd, but given the various rumors she had heard in "prison," she truthfully answered Song Lan's question.

Song Lan had sensed the commotion at the school hospital and followed it here; the person in the shadows before him was one of the prisoners who had escaped from the black Pyramid. After a brief encounter with the individual in the hospital, he finally confirmed that those shadows were not eagerly dashing toward freedom, but had been scared off by him.

Delta was the same.

She ran as fast as a rabbit, without a physical body she wasn't hindered by any obstacles, and in the blink of an eye, she had escaped more than half a block.

Song Lan was starting to regret not bringing his beloved MK-II to the Seventh District.