Chapter 486: Punishment_1

This morning, Lu Xiang had received a report from the owner of the Silent is Golden Inn, claiming that an extremely bizarre case had occurred in their hotel.

It all started with a robbery, where a drunk witnessed three knife-wielding thugs surrounding a customer at the vending machine.

In District Seventeen, robberies were all too common. Even today, with crime rates falling, robbery incidents were rife because of the abundance of homeless and addicts. Robbery was their only means of getting money, but for a drunk to nearly electrocute himself by stabbing a knife into the vending machine during the robbery was something he had never seen before.

This sobered him up immediately, and he also witnessed an even more astonishing scene unfold.

The other two thugs, far from being grateful to the customer who had saved their companion's life at a critical moment, took the opportunity to attack him while he was using the hotel's phone to contact the rescuers.