Chapter 74: Interval of Miracles _1

That night, Song Lan was invited to attend the seminar "On How to Plan to Kill Himself". During the discussion, he gained a lot. For the first time, he was able to look at his abilities from a different perspective.

He had to applaud the captain's intelligence and wisdom.

This was the true professional.

The "Bullet Trajectory" theorem model proposed by the other party successfully created one of the possibilities of killing him. Although this plan still had many flaws and loopholes, the efforts made by the experts were commendable.

At the same time, Song Lan roughly understood the rules of these three people, or including Lu Xiang, the "graduates".

Identifying the loopholes in the "rules" of the Ability Users, and using this as the foundation, they would transform seemingly unlikely events into an inevitable future.

This was like walking on a tightrope. If there was one wrong step, their fate would probably be death.