Chapter 416: Men Must Fight_1


After taking care of the inn's affairs, Song Lan and Fengling took some time to visit the neighboring farm.

The efficiency of the artificial intelligence and the Bug Swarm was astounding. Just two days had passed since their last visit, and the farm was nearly complete. They had planted seeds that Lu Xiang had bought through acquaintances in the core area that very morning. As the two arrived at the farm, "Worker Bees" were bustling in and out of the fields, performing tasks of irrigation and pest control.

Damn, do these people ever rest at all?

It seemed the artificial intelligence and "Worker Bees" had been toiling day and night without rest for the past two days. Yet, they were not content with just that; they had also started setting up a living area not far from the farm. The dwellings were beginning to take shape and five AIs had formed a planning group, focusing on urban design and beautification data for small towns.