Chapter 82: Simple Arithmetic Operations_1

"Thank you all for attending this meeting. The morning session will now conclude."

With those closing words from the chairman, the morning meeting drew to an end.

The content of the meeting was not much different from previous ones, with managers from each department first giving reports on the work of the past quarter, before the Mayor of Lyon City delivered his summarizing speech.

In summary, while there had been significant progress in crime-fighting, employment rates and livelihood issues remained in a state of general bleakness, with continuous protests resulting from unemployment.

"Director Lu, may I have a word?"

As the key figures began to leave the conference room, Lyon Seabot approached Lu Xiang.

Before the meeting began, he had received a work report from the Law Enforcers' department handed over by Lu Xiang. On the surface, it would appear to be just a regular work handover, but one page of content had caught Lyon's attention.