Chapter 458: Lights Out_1

"You mean to say that my coming here is all arranged by destiny?"

Song Lan looked perplexed.

As someone who never believed in fate, he thought it was the result of the efforts of Professor Myles, the teaching assistants, Angle Saffire, and Hanna, their struggle against destiny that gave him the chance to find the truth.

As for the "destiny" that was implanted in his mind about the struggle for the identity of the Guardian, he never took it to heart.

"Everything is arranged by fate, you and everything around you."


"It's deceiving you."

"Don't believe it."

"Pitiful, merely a slightly powerful psychic, yet presuming to be the master of destiny."


This time, Song Lan heard other voices, some angry, some mocking; they also came from above the throne, within the stars atop the colossus's head. These voices seemed endless and became somewhat noisy, quickly drowning out the voice of the colossus.