Chapter 178: A King Has His Own Talents_1

After seeing Lu Xiang and Song Lan, Lieyang indeed felt a sense of homecoming.

These recent days, the hope of the people, the expectations of the ministers, and the various affairs of being a leader were almost crushing her, making everything in this city seem incredibly unfamiliar.

Economics, politics, diplomacy…

The phrase she heard most was, "Lieyang, you must bear the responsibility of this country."

When she was a general, she hardly dealt with ministers, and she didn't know anyone in the Rebel Army. Now, every single day of her life was filled with countless study materials from the moment she opened her eyes. The ministers marveled at her learning ability and firmly believed she would become the best leader since the founding of the Twelfth Nation.

"The ministers say that the Twelfth Nation is ready to withdraw from the Neutral Country Alliance, but this will cause a series of changes."