Chapter 11: Mutual Aid of Salted Fish_1

He had just come out of the bicycle shop with his newly purchased top-of-the-line vehicle, not even an hour after Lu Xiang had left.

This was Song Lan's first luxury purchase in the year 2166.

The bicycle model MK-Ⅱ, in a blue-grey tone, with a price tag of 3499, was given a 20% discount by the shop owner after his hard bargaining.

The bike sounded very impressive in name, but in reality, it was just made of high-quality material, lightweight and resistant to impact. According to the owner, it was made of the most advanced bulletproof alloy currently on the market, so much so that a Gatling gun could not even leave a hole on it.

Even so, Song Lan couldn't for the life of him figure out the benefit of a bicycle made from bulletproof alloy.

If someone were to fire a Gatling gun at the bicycle, the person riding the bicycle would first be riddled with bullets.

Seeing that it was not even 11 o'clock, Song Lan felt a tad melancholy. If he went home now, he could only lay in bed and daydream. In 2166, the main form of entertainment for people was rather simple. Everyone, from children in kindergarten to grandparents in their eighties, were fans of various stars. In their spare time, they would engage in a few hundred posts of heated debates on who the "most powerful rescuer" is.

Song Lan did not engage in star chasing. Nor did he have the slightest interest in the rescuers.

If it were a usual day, he might wander around the streets. But after what happened these past two days, he now viewed everyone as potential troublemakers.

After some contemplation, he started riding his new bike towards the Law Enforcers department.

There was no safer place in District 17 than the large complex of the Law Enforcers department. Furthermore, before going home from work yesterday, Song Lan had downloaded several of the most recent popular movies onto his computer.

Watching movies, idle chatter, browsing the web—this was the entire content of their department's daily work.

As the least prominent department in the whole complex, their workload was inversely proportional to that of other departments. Other than the above-mentioned tasks, their only specific job was organizing departmental gatherings and playing the role of moderators during those gatherings. But after Chai Ke was arrested and imprisoned, all other departments were treading on thin ice. They were all busy preparing for a confrontation with the Chai Ke Group. Who would even think about gatherings?

Upon returning to his office by bike, the atmosphere in the department was still as harmonious as ever.

There were those who were watching movies, those playing games, those putting on makeup, and those doing online shopping.

Their department was surely the most harmonious department in the whole complex. There was no quarreling, no office politics. There was only a group of freeloading like-minded people, including the department head, too.

However, for some reason, Song Lan felt that the department head was acting a little odd today.

After he sat down, the department head would steal glances at him every now and then, an expression that seemed like he wanted to say something but couldn't bring himself to speak.

It is worth mentioning that their department head was a man in his early forties, married, with a child who could already buy soy sauce in a supermarket. Although he was in such a leisurely department, for some reason, he had premature male pattern baldness.

Song Lan felt a bit offended by being looked upon by the department head.

Lu Xiang, behaving strangely, was at least a beauty, and her stammering demeanor contrasted sharply with her usual assertive attitude, which was quite adorable to watch.

Being ogled by a balding forty-year-old man, on the other hand, was just creepy.

He quickly put on his headphones and started the movie he downloaded yesterday.

"Black Sand 2", a superhero-themed movie. The biggest selling point of the film is that the script incorporates real cases of rescuers carrying out missions in the "outside world".

Song Lan took out a bottle of soda he had saved and a small bag of dried fruit from his drawer. The dried fruit was made by him and was very popular with his colleagues. As a youth from the 21st century, he always felt something was missing if he didn't snack while watching a movie.

Once he settled in, movie-watching became one of Song Lan's few hobbies.

Mainly because it was cheap, he could freeload on various movie websites. Although a plethora of games were coming out nowadays, many of them endorsed by famous rescuers, almost every game manufacturer seemed to make "payment" the front page of the game.

Several years ago, Song Lan realized that the best way to avoid overspending was to simply stop playing games.

Before long, a grand musical score started playing, and a familiar logo appeared on the black screen.

The camera then switched to a desolate desert. The camera then panned forward, giving a long close-up shot of the rescuer known as Black Sand.

Black Sand looked into the camera with a confident smile on his face.

Song Lan looked up and saw the image of his department head overlaid with Black Sand's face.

The department head supported himself with both elbows on the shelf of the desk and came straight over to Song Lan.

"Department Head."

Song Lan pressed the pause button and lifted one side of his headphones.

"Working hard, Little Song."

"Yeah, I'm researching the spiritual connotations of the rescuers."

In their department, watching movies was called "researching the spiritual connotations of rescuers", playing games was called "closely following the directions of rescuers", putting on makeup was called "studying the spiritual appearance of the rescuers", and online shopping was called "actively understanding the current international economic situation".

Just change the description, and actually, everyone was doing serious work.

"That's great, researching spiritual connotations is very important."

"Department Head, you might as well just tell me what you want to say."

"So it is. Do you know of the incident happened in the South District yesterday? Some of our colleagues were implicated. They were very scared and are currently recuperating at home. The management's idea is for our department to visit and comfort them, on behalf of our Law Enforcers."

"Hmm, I heard."

"I'm just thinking, I'm getting old and I'm just one person. I can't carry all those comfort products by myself, and I need someone to help me to go with me on this trip."

So that's how it is.

Hearing these words from him, Song Lan suddenly understood everything.

The department head was acting secretive today because he was recruiting for a mission for the department.

Making house visits counted as part of their department's work, but the problem now was that the remnants of Chai Ke Group had issued harsh statements, claiming to find and kill the person who killed Chai Ke before the Law Enforcers could get to him, and vowed to retaliate against the Law Enforcers who once arrested Chai Ke.

Their department, being the least combative of the law enforcer system, leaving the confines of their complex was like lambs being chased by criminals.

Since he was known for having a good temperament and being easygoing, he was selected for this mission.

"Department Head, I really appreciate it."

"I'll give you a bonus."

"How much?"

"This amount."

The department head surreptitiously gestured a figure "3" at Song Lan.

"Alright, let me know when we're departing."

Song Lan had originally intended to refuse, but the amount the department head offered was quite handsome, enough to compensate for what he spent on his bike.

Moreover, he was quite satisfied with his current department head. In this day and age, department heads who staunchly defend the slackers' rights are truly rare. If something were to happen to the department head, and a hard-working type of leader were parachuted in to lead their department, their freeloading days would probably be over.

"You're the man!"

The department head was deeply touched, "Unlike them, they abandon me at the slightest sign of trouble!"

Of course, they have to abandon you.

What if they got involved too while trying to deliver the comforts? Who would they talk to about it then?

Song Lan mentally snorted. If he hadn't just bought his bike and become a professional cyclist, he would also have found a way to refuse the department head.

"Department Head, you go busy yourself with your things."

Song Lan readjusted the position of his headphones, "Once I've finished researching the spiritual connotations of rescuers, I'll go with you."