Chapter 12: The Romance of Law Enforcers_1

As it turns out, whether it's the 21st century or the year 2166, the essence of superhero-themed movies remains the same.

Defeat the super-villain who is hell-bent on world destruction, rescue the heroine, open with Black Sand's signature smile, and end with his dashing smile after shattering the villain's plans. Song Lan was certain that Black Sand's fans would highly rate this film.

For Song Lan, the two-plus hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Unquestionably, this was the most cost-effective way to pass the time in the year 2166, without spending money or straining the brain, and rarely encountering heart-wrenching plots.

Setting aside lunch and afternoon tea, he could watch four films a day. This high-intensity learning of the rescuer's spirit would last up to eight hours.

Song Lan usually packed meals and snacks for himself, but ever since his coworkers pilfered his lunch under the pretext of "this looks good, have a bite," he had to find a secluded place before eating lunch.

The movie ended, and the section chief had mostly cleaned up the consolation gifts.

Song Lan helped put various items into three beautifully packaged bags that truly contained everything—lipstick and nail polish used only a few times, holographic movie discs with many scratches, posters of popular female stars, phone charging cables, and even opened packages of dried strawberries.

"These dried strawberries, were they the ones I brought last week?"

The familiar packaging made Song Lan's eyelids twitch violently.

"Yes, I thought they were shocked and needed something good to eat to nourish their bodies."

The section chief tied the three "gift bags" shut with thin red rope, his face showing no shame whatsoever.

The contents of these gift bags were the result of his mobilization of the entire section. Under his call, everyone in their section had donated a gift to express their feelings. "You were running errands this time, you don't need to prepare a gift."

"Didn't we get funding from upstairs?"


The section chief's head shook as if it was a rattle drum.

Song Lan sighed. The section chief was all well and good, but he was too stingy. He had heard coworkers talking once about how the section chief had a very domineering wife, handed over his salary every month, and didn't even have enough pocket money for cigarettes and alcohol.

Perhaps it was thanks to such strict management that the section chief had no bad habits, did not smoke or drink, did not frequent any entertainment or pleasure venues. In the simple and honest 17th District, he was definitely a representative figure of clean living.

"It's not about the cost of the gift, it's the thought that counts."

Before leaving, the section chief emphasized once more.


A moment later, command center.

The operational meeting against the Chai Ke Group was declared over, but today the enforcers of the 17th District were passionate; even the old man responsible for cleaning the hallway was working as though he were on steroids, with an efficiency 7% higher than usual.

There was only one reason for all of this.

The second-in-command of the Chai Ke Criminal Group, who had a bounty of 310,000 watts on his head and kept the citizens of the 17th District awake at night, was dead!

And he had been killed on the spot in a one-on-one duel with Director Lu!

This meant that the 17th District had, for the first time in a real sense, welcomed a leader who could compete with the criminal group, and people who had been suffocating under the oppression of extremely evil criminals for years finally saw the dawn of victory.

If Director Lu really could keep her promise to eradicate Chai Ke, then she would also bring justice and righteousness back to this city.

She truly deserved to be the doer sent from the core region.

However, Lu Xiang, who was worshiped as a hero by the enforcers, was completely unaware of it. She was facing the window, her pen lightly resting on her chin.

The hottest time of the day had passed, and the sunlight outside the window had softened somewhat.

At this moment, Song Lan should have bought the bicycle and returned home, right?

I wonder what kind of dinner he will prepare today?

The thoughts emerging in her heart and the feelings lingering in her mind were all completely new experiences for Lu Xiang.

In fact, she had agreed with Song Lan's "Bicycle Talent Theory" to some extent out of personal considerations.

Among couples, "bicycle" is a magical term.

"Daily Dating Tips" describes this scene:

In the bustling campus, sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, accompanied by the cool evening breeze, cruising through the crowd, riding through the tree-lined paths of the campus, leaving the wind and people behind. In that moment, it's as if only two people exist in the world.

She just had to follow the text in the book, and she could immediately imagine a romantic scene.

Unfortunately, the campus life she was familiar with was not like that.

No bustling crowd, no tree-lined paths, no laughter and joy.


It might not take long for her to recreate the scene from the book.

One evening, when she stepped out of the Enforcers' Department's courtyard, tired, she would be pleasantly surprised to see Song Lan waiting for her on the roadside with his bike.

Lu Xiang stared absent-mindedly at the path leading out of the courtyard. The afternoon sun lengthened the shadows of the trees, and under the influence of her imagination, everything that came into view seemed infused with a romantic aroma.


The arrival of a blue-gray bicycle.

The person pedaling hard was the one she had in mind.

However, there was an unexpected guest behind him.

In an instant, Lu Xiang's gaze became incredibly sharp.

About 40 years old, male, characteristic was baldness.

The wind blowing in his face ruffled the man's few remaining hairs, looking down from this angle, the man's smooth bald head reflected the sunlight like a mirror.

Perhaps it was his first time sitting in the back seat of a bicycle, the man couldn't keep his balance too well, and the three exquisite gift bags he held were swaying non-stop.


Seeing this blood-pressure-raising scene, Lu Xiang's hand unconsciously tightened on the pen, and then she felt a wet sensation on her cheek.

She withdrew her gaze and silently opened her palm. Only the remains of the pen were left in her hand, and the red ink seeped down from her palm, as vivid as blood.

"Knock knock."

Just by chance, the knock on the door echoed from behind.

"Come in."

It took Lu Xiang less than a second to calm her emotions. She came back to her senses, her voice cold as always.

"Director Lu, Surveillance Department…"

The report stopped abruptly. After exchanging a glance with Lu Xiang, the enforcer's voice trembled.

He clearly saw a trail of blood from the corner of Director Lu's mouth extending to her ear, and given her blood-stained hand, the scene before him was like stumbling upon a murder scene unprepared and coming face to face with the killer.

Although Director Lu's expression was not much different from usual, but …

The murderous gaze was impossible to hide.

"The Surveillance Department?"

Lu Xiang repeated the phrase, waiting for the man to continue.

"Ahem." The Enforcer came to his senses and hurriedly said, "The Surveillance Department has found some information about the remnants of the Chai Ke group, and they want to discuss it with you."
