Chapter 242: I am a Combat Player_1

The next day, early in the morning, Song Lan arrived at the weapon store in the city center, feeling heavy-hearted.

He had heard that this store was the largest in District Seventeen, and unlike the black market, it sold legal firearms. It catered to the vast population of District Seventeen.

For ordinary people who couldn't afford combat-type prosthetics, owning a gun could provide them with a great sense of security.

At least when facing gang thugs, bullets were still effective.

When he entered, Lu Xiang was already waiting for him in the most conspicuous place. She wasn't wearing her department's uniform today, having switched to a set of casual clothes, with a white sports cap and her hair tied back in a neat ponytail. She waved at Song Lan from a distance as soon as she saw him.

The business at the weapon store was unexpectedly booming, with a steady stream of citizens coming in to choose weapons.

"Let's go, to the shooting range first," she said.