Chapter 479: Always Go Home to Visit_1

For Song Lan, visiting the orphanage wasn't supposed to be a big deal, but after learning the information that Lu Xiang had uncovered, everything suddenly became elusive and confusing.

Before setting out, they had thoroughly prepared themselves mentally.

That afternoon, the sound of the hovering car breaking the tranquility of the old street also caught the attention of some gang members with Mohican hairstyles and exaggerated attire. They held iron rods and took a distant glance in the direction of the descending vehicle, but they relaxed their vigilance when they saw Song Lan getting out of the car.

The orphanage remained the same as Song Lan remembered, unchanged for many years. Most of this block was an old residential area, primarily inhabited by retired middle-aged and elderly people living a slow-paced life.

From the other side of the door came the lively sound of a group of children running back and forth in the courtyard, engrossed in a cops-and-robbers game.