Chapter 456: Reflection of the Moon in the Mirror_1

Song Lan always felt that he had some inexplicable fate with the Saffron Family. Thinking about it carefully, the "concerned citizen" had appeared every time because of them.

Angle recounted his experience after being arrested and jailed, as well as the real reason he came to the Seventh District.

Over the years, he had been independently investigating a case in which the new director of Starfish Technology was one of the prime suspects. On the day the director was attacked and killed by a Cyber lunatic, he had been called away from his work post.

The outcome was the same as before. Whenever he was about to get close to the truth, the suspect would die mysteriously.

"Feels familiar, doesn't it?"

Angle chuckled self-deprecatingly, "Professor Myles committed suicide, the teaching assistant died at the hands of a bionic person, and Hanna had an accident."

As for the mysterious visitor dressed similarly to him, he no longer wanted to probe into the person's identity.