Chapter 182: Missing Person Case Investigation_1

This is a plot in plain sight.

The reason the vulture offers them free information is simple - once they follow this clue, they will eventually lead to the Barrosa Group, and he just needs to watch the show from the other side to achieve his purpose.

It has to be said that information dealers are cunning, they always hide in the dark, enjoying others fight to the death for the information they provide.

"This is good news."

Song Lan said in a positive and optimistic attitude, "At least it shows that the disappearance of Dad Raging Sun might not be related to the United Government."

He would say that, given the level of the United Government, it would be difficult to secretly transport someone back to the core area.

At least not until they weed out all the spies.

Lu Xiang shook his phone and said, "I just checked, the furthest service area of the Capital City hovercar just so happens to reach the second stop closest to the Twelfth Nation, a place known as Sharp Cage Town."