Chapter 130: Prohibition of Alcoholism_1

"Comrade Zhuang Chi, please watch your demeanor."

Song Lan couldn't help but remind his free-thinking subordinate. He believed the "radar" in Zhuang Chi's mind must be connected to the universe, gifting her with such an unconventional way of thinking.

"I'm just analyzing why so many people are targeting her."

Zhuang Chi stuck her tongue out at Song Lan. As a law enforcer, she obviously couldn't join in this "public frenzy." She continued, "As long as they get that money, they can live a luxurious life in their old age. Also, due to the current situation of the Twelfth Nation, they can pin the blame on the Rebel Army."

The Rebel Army has always been the perfect scapegoat.

Under the propaganda of the United Government, any misdeeds, regardless of the true culprit, could be pinned on the Rebel Army. For instance, if you lose your wallet on the way home, you could easily say that the thief is part of the Rebel Army.