Chapter 229: So You're the Famous Counter-Terrorism Expert?_1

Counter-terrorism elite?

Is this person military?

But hasn't the regular army of the Sixth Nation almost entirely been replaced by military combat robots?

After Song Lan announced his identity, the security at Tombstone Pub didn't continue to block him, instead making way for him.

Almost the moment he entered, a pungent smell of frozen meat assaulted his nostrils. Although summer was nearly upon them, the Tombstone was cold like an ice cellar, and the dim blue lighting added to the atmosphere, making it seem like a morgue. Coupled with the unlucky name, Song Lan really didn't know what kind of owner would design their bar this way.

It was obvious that this wasn't a place for drinking and having fun.

The bar's layout was somewhat similar to Gold Diggers' Bar in District Seventeen, with the bar divided into multiple private rooms where business was conducted.