Chapter 297: The Antidote is True Heart_1

"You, you can't do this to me!"

The frog, its body squeezed out of shape, struggled and shouted, "My dad is the director of the technology department at Flashpoint Information Technology!"

A classic case of dragging the parent into it appeared!

Song Lan rubbed his chin, which had been bumped by the frog's head; it didn't really hurt, but the sudden loud noise and the bizarre effect that popped up were frightening.

He just hadn't expected that after being squeezed in Lu Xiang's hand, the frog would come out with such a classically troublesome line.

He had heard of Flashpoint Information Technology. It was one of the few companies based in the seventeenth district. The company wasn't big, at best it could be considered a medium-sized enterprise, but it did have good advertising. You could often see their advertisements using holographic images near subway stations.

"With the way you look now, do you think your dad would even recognize you?"