Chapter 31: Arch Enemy_1

Song Lan still remembered, that the last time someone had visited the Law Enforcement Manor strutting arrogantly amidst a crowd, was Angel Foster.

Equally snooty, heading straight for Lu Xiang's office, she plonked herself right on a chair as soon as she was inside, crossed her legs, and began demanding people, as if she was the real boss of the Manor.

The visitor this time was no less pretentious than Angel Foster.

Glossy black leather shoes, neatly set hair held in place by hair gel, a well-pressed black suit, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, his eyes held an unconcealed arrogance. To the onlookers, including Song Lan, he gave nothing but a contemptuous smile.

He was accompanied by two similarly dressed men.

The trio's get-up was a perfect embodiment of what common folks imagined the "elites" to look like.

"He is the new High Prosecutor, who has taken Angel Foster's position."