Chapter 433: How Actors Are Trained_1


The Void Expeditionary Army, hastily assembled, had no idea that the moment they embarked on their journey, every single action they took fell under the watchful eyes of the Absurd Demon.

The several highly corrupted heads on its body bore different expressions. It was on the second floor, watching downstairs, listening to the footsteps of people approaching the house.

These foolish adventurers of the Void Expeditionary Army didn't realize they were stepping into a trap meticulously laid by the demon.

Exploring an unknown area in the dead of night with very low visibility was an act of extreme folly. It could easily set traps on the door, decapitating them with stiff wires the moment they pushed the door open, or wait at the corner of the stairs to swallow those climbing up whole.

Hidden in the shadows, it had over a hundred ways to slaughter these intruders!