Chapter 278: Flying Dragon Sitting on the Face, Just Around the Corner_1

Medea felt that Song Lan didn't seem to realize just how preposterous the topic of conversation was, despite standing in a public place, where he engaged in a deep exchange with Xinyue about "how do you usually lay eggs?" and "why didn't you lay eggs today?" among other questions.

Under the broad daylight, in a clear and bright world.

This was a public rest area that had been built underground specifically to welcome Xinyue's arrival, definitely considered a public area.

"She's still a child!"

Medea, who couldn't stand to watch any longer, stepped forward.

With her own research in biology, she knew that laying eggs involved activities that weren't suitable for public discussion, and this was true for animals or mutated creatures alike.

"Medea, you've come at the right time, we are discussing the topic of advanced military kinds."

Concerning this issue, Song Lan had thought through it for an entire afternoon.