Chapter 165: Let's Count Your Sins_1

The whispers of Lu Xiang in his ear provided Song Lan with an unbelievably novel experience.

On the journey, he paid no attention to the scenery along the way. Instead, under Lu Xiang's guidance, he reviewed various types of crimes in both Sector Seventeen and the "outer realm".

In addition to headhunters, there were also smugglers, criminals who were fugitives due to their fear of punishment, fraudulent gangs, and black market traders.

He quickly realized that this bus was filled with people of all sorts, and at least half of them had a criminal record.

The rest were either gold-seekers who still harbored dreams of overnight wealth or unfortunate citizens who had been deceived into the "outer realm".

In the entire bus, it seemed that only the two of them had embarked on this trip for the purpose of tourism.