Chapter 239: Heading to the landfill_1

Happiness is always fleeting.

After arriving in District Seventeen, Heavy Cannon and his team had a few days of relaxed tranquility, a rare experience where they didn't have to fight tooth and nail for commissions from the moment they opened their eyes each day.

During these days, several pieces of world-shaking news occurred.

The most eye-catching was that the bounties for Esinvig and his cadre had nearly doubled, with his own bounty breaking the unprecedented mark of five hundred million volts.

This was because Wild Bone, the Six Stars rescuer, was defeated by the Rebel Army.

It was also the first time the United Government had released news of a Six Stars rescuer's defeat since its establishment.

This event also pushed their bounties to over five hundred thousand volts each, for the crime of abducting Dr. Bai Zhu. Ironically, the United Government, not the Sixth Nation, issued the wanted notices.