Chapter 60: Don't Trust Anyone_1

Valerian, a former crime analysis personnel, adeptly unraveled the message the mayor wanted to send to them.

However, Song Lan hadn't expected a simple psychological consultation to turn into the current state of events.

Meanwhile, Valerian continued to demonstrate her professional skills. As she flipped the tablet, new text appeared:

"Director, you mentioned this was a task delegated by Ophir to Director Lu."

"Perhaps it isn't a coincidence. The mayor seems to have information for Director Lu, but couldn't convey his thoughts directly."

"He might be under surveillance."

And the encrypted data within the mayor's database was the actual message he wanted to pass on to Director Lu or the Law Enforcers department.

This implies that the mayor may not have lost his sanity due to stress but is acutely conscious of something happening in his house.

Swallowing her saliva, Valerian opened the encrypted documents.