Chapter 37: Second Level Alert Order_1

Deep into the night, Lu Xiang was awoken by the phone on her bedside table.

After hearing a brief report from the head of field investigations, she quickly got dressed, armed herself, descended the stairs and got on the hovercar.

By the time she arrived at the scene, the Law Enforcers had already cordoned off the involved Polar Star Bar. They would hardly be able to recognize the place based on the existing wreckage if it were not for the cut-in-half signage.

The confirmed death toll had surpassed 100, with not a single survivor left on the scene.

Even the experienced field investigators turned pale at the sight. The bodies they dug out from beneath the rubble were nothing short of bizarre.

It was impossible to make out the human form on the bar patrons. It was as if they were crushed by some massive force before they died, causing their bodies to become flattened.