Chapter 374: Director Lu, You Must Hang in There_1

On the afternoon when Obena Lionheart's body was returned to the core district, the Review Council convened an emergency meeting.

Normally, the loss of a four-star rescuer would hardly catch the Council's attention, but Obena had brought back a series of important intelligence.

Indeed, a string of recent incidents in District 17 completely disrupted the Council's strategic planning.

After the Foster Family withdrew, they also covertly pulled out significant investments of major corporations from District 17, essentially treating it as a forward operating base against the Rebel Army.

Everyone knew that a war between the United Government and the Rebel Army was inevitable, but who could have anticipated that, before the conflict could start, a mysterious force from the Void would suddenly emerge? And particularly in District 17, which seemed to have some kind of close connection to the Void.