A normal day... Until it isn't.

It was a beautiful gloomy day in Sacramento California. For Ian however, rainy days were just the best. Maybe it's just a childish mentality but Ian really enjoyed reading and writing during uneventful days like this. However he had a feeling the day wasn't going to be so normal.

Ian had just come back home from a grocery run, during which it had started pouring. He had returned home, wet groceries in hand, and walked to the kitchen where his sister sat at the table. His mother greeted him and took the groceries, inspecting them to make sure he had not missed anything. She was the skeptical type. Once the bags were taken Ian hurriedly ran upstairs avoiding any more requests from his family members.

He got to his room and while he wasn't the braggy type, it was pretty amazing. Star wars merchandise covered the walls and countless shelves around the room held his numerous star wars Lego sets. He was a big fan of star wars… He hopped on his computer and booted up one of his favorite anime. As the intro played Ian looked to his left and found his favorite drink with a note on it that read, "Hello Ian, thanks for getting the groceries! I'm repaying you with his, hope you have a good day! (-: - Dad". Ian let out a chuckle as he tore off the note and popped the straw in his mouth. "Thanks dad" He uttered to nobody. Suddenly however an emergency broadcast popped onto his TV that was on but sitting idle. The ear shattering screech of the siren terrified Ian on a spiritual level as he paused the anime he was watching and swivel around in the chair so he would face the TV.

After a few seconds of the sirens beeping a blonde haired girl popped up with panic clearly struck throughout her body. She hurriedly explained something about countless category 5 tornadoes popping up as well as massive earthquakes cracking open the earth leaving gashes deep enough to visibly see the air getting warmer. I hardly thought it was real at first. I mean its insane to think all of this could be happening all at once… I haven't even felt anything yet! Maybe I shouldn't have jinxed myself. The ground started pounding as all the power went out. My house was sturdy… But apparently not sturdy enough as the floors opened up and Ian was plunged into darkness, with the only thing distinguishing him from the darkness surrounding him was a shiny key around his neck and his terrified ear piercing scream.

After the dust had settled Ian had opened his eyes to a void. It wasn't bare though, it felt as though the universe surrounded him as he looked up at the stars. Peering down he felt an invisible surface that held him up along with a small chair that was positioned in front of him. "Is this heaven?" Ian said to himself. "Who am I joking, this is definitely hell" he said whilst standing up and walking over to the chair. Suddenly out of seemingly nowhere loud footsteps were approaching Ian. The sound was similar to that of high heels on tile as Ian turned in all directions, eventually locking eyes with a white haired woman who ignored his presence and sat at what appeared to be less like a chair and more like a throne. "Well sheesh is there anything I can get for you my lady?" Ian snarky remarked. She ignored him and proceeded to say, "Ian, you have died today. And surprising even to me and the other gods so has the majority of your planet." Ian hit the invisible surface until his hand started to swell. "Well this certainly isn't a dream, I felt every ounce of that…" "You fool…" The woman said, waving her hand over Ian's bruise and healing it instantly. "I don't plan on giving you a long drawn out monologue but I have been researching your planet for quite some time and I must say it's fascinating. Very technologically diverse compared to humans in other dimensions. "Other… Dimensions?" Ian uttered. "Well of course did you expect there to be no life anywhere other than your measly planet?" The goddess rubbed her temple, clearly dumbfounded at the lack of intelligence displayed by Ian. "Well, I have been quite invested with the entertainment this planet seems to be enamored by. So whilst you guys were living your daily lives I decided to take a show I particularly liked and make it into a physical world, with permission from higher gods of course." The goddess stood up "It is almost exactly like your planet. So I figured it was perfect on the slim chance that the planet falls into calamity in which it has." "Why are you telling me all of this? Why not someone more important?" "Oh no, I'm telling everyone this. I can appear to multiple people at once." the goddess' snickered, amused that Ian would think so highly of himself. Ian just shrugged her off and avoided eye contact. "Well just for your trouble and because you lack intelligenc-" 'Hey!!" Ian cut her off. "As I was saying…" The goddess said, glaring at Ian. "...I will be sending you a guide to help you through everything. It will also give you some inhuman powers if you work hard enough so don't misuse this chance." "Sure whatever your highness…". Ian muttered. Before he could look up to see her reaction to his comment he was thrusted downwards, heading rapidly towards his destination. As he neared the surface of the earth looking planet Ian could only assume was his new home a large building came into view He neared the ground, almost hitting it when…