Ian walked over to the door, noticing his shoes had been taken off and set next to the door. Ian slid open to see a small girl with hair that was white and faded into purple around the tips with giant bluish purple eyes. She was sitting right next to multiple broken electronics and a broken vase. She looked up at Ian as though she was about to cry, she was equally surprised by Ian's presence entirely. "Hey there, Ka-'' Ian almost slipped up "Hey what happened here?" Ian questioned looking at the small girl who was actively keeping back tears. "Kanna was playing and bumped into this table." Kanna said with a whimper as she desperately tried to piece together the vase. It was honestly adorable and sad at the same time. I looked around to see that Tohru and Kobayashi were nowhere to be found. "Alright Kanna I think I could help you" Ian said, hoping that his display wouldn't be visible to Kanna. He was also praying his method of fixing the objects would work. "Investigate" Ian whispered so it wasn't audible to Kanna.
"Vase, Condition: Broken."
"Investigate level up. Lv. 1 -> Lv. 2"
"You may now see how investigated objects are manufactured + Investigations lead to more details of the object"
"Yes!" Ian yelled while Kanna looked at him like he was crazy. "Investigate!" Ian screamed as he tapped the vase. Suddenly a list of ikea instructions popped up in front of Ian "well… sh*t"
Kobayashi and Tohru entered the apartment, groceries in hand. Kobayashi just face palmed and Tohru looked like she was about to blow up. They only directed their anger at Kanna as Kobayashi cried over her broken message products. And Ian tried to figure out what in the ever-loving hell the instructions meant. Ian somewhere through Kannas lecture slid back into the room he was in previously. Collapsing against the door. This was a lot more tiring than I thought it would be. Ian stood up and glanced at his water. That's right! He had a special ability similar to water bending. Ian looked over to the glass of water and instead of saying it, he tested the waters, pun intended, and just thought of the phrase. Suddenly the water that was confined by the glass rose out of it.Ian grinned and stood there for a moment before tapping his palm and noticing that his Mp was rapidly decreasing. Ian returned the water back into its original locations and smiled at the warm sun that was now setting just beyond the window. "Maybe I should spend my night investigating things and leveling the skill up?" Ian was about to tap on his palm to bring up his stats and see if they have changed but he accidentally slid his finger along his palm, revealing an entirely different screen which showed his skills and skill points. Ian automatically had a glimmer in his eye as he pumped all 3 of his skill points into strength. He had always been a wimpy guy so maybe this would help? Ian tried lifting the bed. Whilst he normally wouldn't be able to lift it he was able to get one side a few inches off the ground. As he returned the bed back to its original placement and wiped the sweat off his forehead from the tiring day he turned to see Kobyashi standing in the doorway. "That bed weighs a lot, pretty impressive." Kobayashi said, peering at the bed. "Oh haha, I have been working out lately, looks like it was paying off." Ian said, scratching behind his neck sheepishly. "Mhm…" Kobayashi said, tossing a pair of pajamas onto Ians temporary bed. "I got these a few days ago without noticing they were for men. Guess I haven't found the time to take them back" Kobayashi said, re-adjusting her glasses. "Well I really do appreciate it, you're very kind for taking me to your house in the first place." Kobayashi nodded and exited the room telling Ian he'd better get some sleep and rest up. Ian ignored his previous commitment to leveling up his investigation skill as drowsiness seeped in and he plopped down on the mattress that was much too comfortable for how it looked. Ian drifted off to sleep along with the rest of the household.
The morning approached and at six thirty in the morning Ian was up and moving. When he had originally gotten up it was for the sole purpose of going to school. But after realizing once more that he wasn't in his world he walked over to the kitchen to start breakfast. He may be just 16 but he knows a thing or two about cooking. He helped himself to some of the ingredients inside of the fridge and whipped up omelets, each was catered to them as much as can be. Kobayashi walked in the kitchen whilst rubbing her eyes. 'Wow, that smells really good Tohr- Ian? You know how to cook?" Kobayashi said while peering behind Ian to view the pan that was finishing up the last omelet. "Yeah, it's not that tough." "Well that sounded narcissistic… Kobayashi said, going over to the coffee maker positioned behind the stove. "Your cooking cant be that bad miss" Ian said while flipping the omelet. "You'd be surprised." Kobayashi said while grinding the coffee beans. "So i was thinking that putting you in the foster system would be the best fit-" "Please don't" Ian cut Kobayashi off with desperate eyes. Ian slapped the last omelet on a plate and set them all on the table just as Kanna popped out of her room. "That smells so good" Kanna exclaimed with a lisp and childish innocence that could embed cuteness into anything she said. "Well, what else is there?" Ian knew he wanted to stay here, he legitimately didn't have anywhere else to go except the foster system… Moving from a cushy upper-middle class lifestyle to a foster home would be a big change that Ian didn't want in his life. "Well, I could do household chores like cooking in exchange for a pla-" "I'm going to cut you off right there, I don't really have the energy for another child in the house, no offense.". "I can work..." "he's staying." Kobayashi said completely sure of herself. "Woah didnt know convincing you would be that easy!" "Well first of all I need money… And second if you're pulling your weight I don't see why not since we have the extra room." Kobayashi said while sitting down at the table with her coffee and taking a bite of the omelet "yep you're staying.".
And that's how I, a 16 year old boy from America, got reincarnated into an anime and became roommates with the main character.