Chapter 4: Registration

When I stepped out of the portal, there was a massive crowd. Some people were panicking, some were exclaiming, some were causing trouble, it was total chaos. From the crowd approximately 1 kilometer distance there was a huge wall. There were many moving towards it. All of them were stopped by uniformed people.

From what I heard around there I found that everyone there was awakened after the expulsion. A person from uniformed people came with an announcement.

"If you want to enter the settlement you have to register then only you can be allowed to enter this settlement." This made huge commotion in the crowd.

Thousands of lines formed and was controlled by uniformed people. After a long period of waiting , I reached the registration desk. There was man sitting, he spoke.

"Place your hand on the orb." I placed my left hand on it. Some energy passed through my body. Nothing changed in the orb. The register placed his hands on the orb. Then wrote something on the paper while asking basic details like name, country etc.,

"A third party trying to form contract with you, will you accept?"




"If you want to enter settlement, you have to accept the contract. It is non-negotiable."

I clicked details. There were many clauses but some of them irked me.

a. Party B must not attempt to rank up for a year. After the time period Party B should seek permission from Party A to rank up

b. Missions given by Party A cannot be declined.

 1. Mission's rewards cannot be claimed by Party B. Rewards must be submitted to Party A.

I clicked No. The man in opposite signaled guards.

"You are declined settlement contract. Please enter the portal to move to wilderness." Before the guards could capture me, I entered the portal.

That man's face turned livid. But he regained his composure. He asked next person to come and continued his work. On that day onward Bolt included in criminal list of the settlement.


After leaving the Bolt's house, Amy was saw the completion of trial prompt. Then only she was relaxed.

She checked the anonymous email; it was automatically deleted as if she did not even receive it. As for rewards for completing the trial there is none. But she was unaware of something that she gained from completing the side trial.

"Your memory about side trial and this prompt will be locked until conditions are met to be unlocked."

This happened all over the world. Only the 100th batch survivors were remembered about this trial. Bolt was one of them. If someone asked Amy about Bolt, her answer will be just colleagues.


"Don't judge the survivor of the 100th batch trial. They are neither scions nor heroes, they are variables in the 100 years of scheme."

This monologue spoken by unknown and heard by unknown. But neither humans nor awakeners of Earth heard this.