Chapter 5: Loner In Wild

I was dropped in some forest and a wild boar had chased me until it met its death. Cause of its death a boulder dropped from above. I climbed down from the tree, that I sat.

I removed the boulder using space-time pocket. I stored the boar and started move from there. 'I want to research this pocket skill; it has different requirement to store something in it.'

While moving, I collected many dried woods. After many hours of wandering, I found a small cave. The cave was not deep. It did not take long for search the whole cave. After I found nothing in the cave, I placed the boulder to close the cave entrance.

I started fire, there was a small stone slab placed in the center of the fire. I placed the boar in front of me. Only a portion of it was eatable, because remaining portion of it to be a meat paste mixed with bone shards. I removed a protruding bone and skinned the boar using the bone.

Before sleeping I placed left-over cooked meat, four bone knives and boar's core in space-time pocket. I woke up after an uncomfortable sleep. Still it was better than sleep I had in trial.

I took the core. 'should I eat it? Yes.' Before I ate it, it disappeared. 'status' I called it.

Name: Bolt

Rank: Basic

Core: 1[1/1000]

Skill: Space-Time pocket

'Oh, it increased. I need to find water; I am running out of it.' After storing everything I needed, I left the cave for finding water. I found one property of my space-time pocket. SIZE DOESN'T MATTER. The boulder's height was higher than one meter.

Bone knife in one hand, another hand ready drop boulder. I moved vigilantly. That day I did not find any water source. I returned to my cave. Making fire became lot easier because burning wood can be stored in pocket.

Next day I went different direction, I found a small water stream. The water might not be drinkable, so I walked on upstream direction. There was a boar drinking the water, so I directly stored water in space time pocket. In space-time pocket everything could be stored separately, so water didn't need a container.

I didn't hunt the boar because I thought there may be other predators nearby deinking water. One week went like that. What I found exploring the area around my cave was there was only big predator, that was boar. I hunted many boars. I checked my status, core value was updated to 20.

"This planet's system is requesting on gaining authority to maintain your status, trial functions.




I clicked details because I thought something fishy about the request.

"The system you are using is basic system given to every awakened, it doesn't have any other functions except showing status and creating portal to trial. But the world system has shops, quest, world quest has additional rewards. CLASS OPTION WILL BE ENABLED."


"You have declined the offer. A condition has been met. In future any offers or intrusion from system will be automatically declined or blocked."

There were two reasons for the declining the request. That was my guess only, so I didn't know its veracity.

• Basic system only creates portal to trial, so the trial is unrelated to entirety the system. If not it would have been in even basic system. But I can give authority to manage my trials to someone. I also saw system interface in the trial. I can not pinpoint what it is. But the so called world system want to manage it.

• Quest function sometime fun. But many times it make you dumb. It totally depends on my knowledge about system related web novels. There are exceptions.

I packed everything and left the place immediately. Moved to deep woods following upstream of water stream. Two days passed I couldn't find any caves. I find different animals along the way. Danger was increasing gradually. Different kind of dead animals stored in space-time pocket. But I couldn't find a way to find its size or capacity or limitations. Only one limit was found that I couldn't store living animals.


" Someone activated ORIGIN PROTOCOL 0 CLAUSE (a)."

" Who?"

" I don't have access. PROTOCOL 0 blocks everything."

"Yeah. I know about that. You can guess, correct? Tell me."

"We initiated system in 1,00,000 planets. 70,000 Planetary systems are forcefully integration. No declining from 10,000 planets. We have to find in remaining 20,000 planets."

" Search every corner of the 20,000 planets. Find it, if it is intelligent, capture it. Else kill it."

" Yes."