Filled with hatred, anger, and lack of love, Solomon, a former high school student in South Korea, embarks on a mission to punish those who made him feel worthless, miserable, and hated himself when he was a human.
After Mr. Chan, his father had tried to cure his illusions that the doctors said had no cure due to the auto accident he had that claimed the life of his mother and left him with brain damage, the side effects of the cure Mr. Chan created for Solomon had accidentally turned him into a unique zombie called "Zone."
Solomon (Zone) had created an army of zombies in Seoul, Korea. The faith of humanity rests on the shoulders of the survivors of the apocalypse (Yihyun, Lichad, Iris, Park and the Elites), who then try to do everything possible to slay Zone and his army of zombies.
first of all.. the starting of this book just woahed me away. I must confess the plot is intriguing and halfway through I love the twist Solomon (Zone) did to Young.