2 weeks later
Finally, we have received word from the group on earth. Finally, we are going to be able to carry out our mission. After these two weeks of waiting and making ourselves as invisible as possible, the waiting is finally over. I call everyone together, and we start phase two, infiltrating the rest. You might think, why only now and not right away? Simple, we were already doing this, only now we can really go all out. The reinforcement is on its way here and two the games are about to start. So, an ideal time to get seen. Now to see if a vampire notices us or say our wives. We also especially had someone high-tech in computers with us to give us extra attention, so we are sure to be chosen.
And indeed, not much later after phase two started, we were selected by several vampires. Like me, 10 more warriors were picked. Now to see if we can use our training from this week. All my own experiences I have shared and practiced so that every woman is ready for the games. There is only one problem, me. Almost all the vampires saw me when I was bitten by Xandros even though I wanted to deny it, everyone had seen it. So we disguised ourselves as well as we could. I even put on the best wig we could find. You almost wouldn't be able to tell I'm not blonde. With my color lenses in, another thing I brought from Earth and even discovered.
A vampire named Gornigon claimed me when I was supposedly walking around town and took me to his house. Not as big a castle as Xandros, but still not as small a house as a regular human on Hymqarius. "You are going to obey me, human!" Says the older vampire with his long brown hair and pale skin. He is everything opposite of Xandros. Nothing about him is attractive. It already thought how crude these vampires are by now kidnapping a woman. Now for the games, something we didn't expect would happen but hoped. I nod at him without any dissent. I would hate to see our plan go down the drain because of my urge to disobey. A little later, the suit of elliptical games is pressed upon me again. Truly my favorite game of the two. What you can call favorite, of course. This one I still found this one to be the least bad of the two. I have to be able to do this!
And as thought, nothing had changed in the games. They were still just as I did them the first time. Though it wasn't Xandros who sat on the throne this time. No, it was Firius. Firius who set it up with pride and amusement, the bastard. Always with his lust for power and now he has his way, would be so happy if I could knock him off that throne and show him, how his beloved games are burned to ashes. Although Firius doesn't know that one, this won't last long. The plan is already in full effect as the games go on, without a whiff of what is being done in the back room. After I and the two warriors who joined me won. The crowd begins to shout for us to finish. Last time the cheering was more, but now the atmosphere is very different. Whether with a throne change, more has changed. The officer comes up to us, with a smile on his face that doesn't bode well. He takes two of us by the neck and wants to bite the other girl next to me until a sound comes from the building and the atmosphere completely changes to panic. Apparently, vampires are more afraid of fire than I had thought in the first place. I just barely see a group of warriors come out of the burning building with torches, one of which I take over and step up. "Here Firius, now you know how it feels when you hurt someone's loved one," I say as I remove the wig from my head and set fire to the stands in front of his feet. Laughing, I leave the building with the look of blind panic in Firius' gray eyes on my retina. The building is still burning down, with no hope of ever putting it out. For a stone building, this is burning harder than expected. We retreat to our hideout to gather the group back together to start phase 3. The most important phase of them all. The phase, where we make peace. The phase Bogan would never have agreed to if he knew about it. All I want is to come back to my country to live again, free and without the goal on my head, which is there now.
How it happened, I don't know. Although I have a strong suspicion that it was Waylon. He was always like the leader of our group, power-hungry. They didn't want to take out the games to make peace, no. They become power-hungry by taking out the games first and then the council. How I could have been so stupid, I don't know. But when Bogan suddenly walked in, I already had an inkling that this was all going to go very differently than first stated. Now an assignment awaited me that will be more difficult than just peace. Now I had two more tall vampire joggers to change my mind or even eliminate. And one of them is still the same kind of vampire as I am. Who has been trained in it and even had years to practice it? My plan needed to be carried out with more than one person, and I clearly have an idea of whom I could use for this, Verona. Verona could and would be the solution to the problem that calls itself Waylon. Those two think I'm crazy.