Black Out

"Just this once, after tonight, you aren't going to see him again." These were the words that Gemma kept saying to herself in her head as she and Sebastian stumbled into his hotel room, their lips locked in a searing kiss, and their hands fumbling to take off each other's clothes.

"I…. I usually don't do this," Gemma murmured into Sebastian's mouth.

And then, She reprimanded herself for sounding so cliche. Isn't that the sentence that every girl says to their one nightstand?

"I know," Sebastian said as he kissed his way down her throat.

"How do you….." Gemma forgot what she wanted to say when he kissed her pulse point and sucked on it.

He hoisted her against the wall, and Gemma wrapped her legs around his waist, She clutched to the collar of his shirt, he hitched up her dress and his fingers dug into her butt.

Gemma arched her hips as his already hard cock pressed against her middle.

Gemma nearly drowned from the noise that was inside her head, asking her to leave before things got out of hand, before her father and her brothers found out that she was missing.

"I think I should be…."

Gemma didn't get to finish her sentence because Sebastian shut her up with a kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth and Gemma opened up for him.

Her eyes rolled back from the pleasure that she felt as Sebastian nibbled and sucked on her lower lip.

He brought his hand between them caressing her inner thigh, when he got to her middle, he used his finger to nudge her panties aside, and he slipped a finger inside her already-soaked pussy.

Gemma's eyes rolled back from the sudden pleasure that she felt as he began to slowly thrust his finger in and out of her.

His right hand came up to her breasts, and he slowly caressed them. He kissed his way from her lips down to her chin, neck, and breasts... his tongue was everywhere.

Soon, he added a second finger inside her and increased the pace of his fingers, circling her clit with his thumb.

Gemma moaned as an intense pleasure overtook her, and then she came on his fingers.

She unwrapped her legs from his waist, still leaning against the wall, her legs a bit shaky from her orgasm.

"Taste yourself," Sebastian said as he slipped out his fingers from inside of her and brought them to her lips. They were coated with her juice.

Gemma obediently opened her mouth and sucked on his fingers like they were lollipops.

She tasted musky.

Gemma had never tasted herself before. What was this stranger doing to her?

Gemma had only been with one man all her life. She had little or no experience in the bedroom.

She watched with fascination as Sebastian unzipped his fly and took out his erect cock and slipped on a condom he had taken out of his wallet.

Gemma took off her pantie and discarded it, Sebastian hoisted up her right leg to his waist and drove into her, crashing her back against the wall.

"Oh…." Gemma gasped.

The pleasure she felt was so intense, she felt like she was going to combust as he continued to thrust into her. He slipped his hand between them and he started to circle her clit.

"I'm coming….." Gemma cried out as she fell apart in his arms and came again, her second orgasm in one night. Sebastian followed almost immediately, groaning.

It was at that moment Gemma realized what she had done. She just had sex with a stranger that she doesn't even know his last name.

She suddenly became ashamed, she needed to leave.

Sebastian pulled out of her and tucked himself back into his trouser. Gemma readjusted her dress and reached for her pantie where she had thrown it and started to put it back on.

"Would you like to grab something to eat?" Sebastian asked.

"No, I should get going," Gemma replied arranging her hair.

"Why are you in so much a hurry?" Sebastian asked snaking an arm around her from behind.

"I'm not, I just need to...." Gemma didn't get to finish her statement as she felt something prick the skin on her neck and before she could realize what was happening to her, she blacked out.