Where Is She?

Gemma slowly regained consciousness as the smell of exhaust, seeped through her nostrils. She could hear the sound of engine whirring.


She tried opening her eyes and realized she had been blindfolded, her hands were tied, same as her legs. From the sound of the engine, she could tell she was inside a car, a truck perhaps.


Panic ran through her body. Where was she? How did she get here? The last thing she remembers was preparing to leave the hotel room after having sex with Sebastian, and then... Everything went black.


Sebastian! What did he do to her? Where was he taking her to? Gemma wanted to scream out for help, but her mouth was sealed with duct tape. She was helpless.



She took a deep breath trying to calm herself down as different thoughts began to swim through her mind. Fear isn't going to help her now, she needed to think of a way to escape whoever it is that has abducted her. She started trying to untie the rope that was used in tying her hands, but the rope was too tight. After minutes of struggling to untie herself, she gave up, as her actions only made the rope eat deeper into her skin.


She was going to die, whoever it is that has got is going to kill her, she could feel it.


For the time in her life, Gemma felt regret for her actions. She wished she had not left home without her father's permission, without his bodyguards. She wished she had listened to Elena when she had said they shouldn't leave the house without a bodyguard.


Elena. She would be looking for Gemma by now. Was she safe?

Her family would have noticed she was missing, and they will be looking for her by now. This gave Gemma hope, she knows her father and brothers would tear the city down searching every corner until they found her. Her father will come for her. He will be pissed at her for leaving without his permission but she is sure that he will come for her.



Her family has several enemies who are always out to get them. It's the reason that her father never allows her to leave the house without any guard.


"You are my precious jewel, my enemies know this, and they won't hesitate to harm you," Her father always said to her.


And now they have finally gotten her, now she understands why her father had been very protective of her.



Gemma tried to remain conscious. Even if she could not see, she tried listening for sounds hoping to figure out where they passed and where she was being taken to. But at some point, she started drifting in and out of consciousness, and then she heard the car come to a stop.


She felt a pair of hands around her waist as she was pulled out of the car, not in a forceful manner, whoever it was, took care not to allow her hit her head on the door frame of the car. She didn't try to fight, because she knew it was futile.


She felt herself being hauled over a man's shoulder, fireman style. Sebastian, she thought.  She could tell he was the one from his musk cologne. So he is the one kidnapping her after all. The bastard! He tricked her into having sex with him and then kidnapped her. Who was he working for?



She heard a door creak open and then masculine voices as they entered a room.


"Is she the one?" A voice asked from inside as she was carried in.


"Most certainly," another voice from beside Sebastian spoke. She could hear the pride in his voice.



Gemma was placed against a chair and then her hands and feet were untied. She rubbed her wrists where the rope used in tying them had eaten into her flesh. She felt her hands being moved to her back as they were tied to the arms of the chair.


There was silence in the room but she was aware that she wasn't alone in the room. Why weren't they saying anything? Why the silence? Another wave of panic washed through her, and her heart hammered hard against her ribcage.


Soon she heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching her. She became tense when she felt the person come close to her.

Her blindfold was taken off, immediately followed by the duct tape on her lips. She immediately opened her mouth to scream.


"If I were you I wouldn't do that," the man who removed her blindfold and the duct tape on her lips, said in a gruff voice.


Gemma took in his appearance, a sixty-something man, with salt and pepper hair, dressed white shirt and slack, a cigar hanging between his lips.


she looked around and saw four young men positioned in the room, with their arms crossed,  and all eyes were on her. None of them were Sebastian.


It was a basement, and from what she could see and the smell of mold she perceived, it hasn't been in use for a long time.

She didn't know exactly who these men were, but she sensed they were one of her father's rivals.


There was a table in front of her with so many knives of different shapes and sizes laid out on it. Gemma immediately became tensed.


"You are making a huge mistake! Better let me go, or else my father is going to hunt you down! And he will make sure to kill all of you and have your body parts sent to your families!" Despite the fear that Gemma felt, she still managed to sound threatening.


What she said must have sounded funny because the man burst into laughter and so did the rest of the men in the basement. 


"Can you believe that?" The man asked laughing. His breath laced with a cigar fanned against Gemma's shoulder as he leaned down.


"If anyone's body parts are going to be distributed to their family, it's yours, my dear."


She turned her head to look at him and saw he was dead serious.


Her eyes went to the different knives that were littered on the table. Hot tears pooled in Gemma's eyes and her body started to shake. This is how she was going to die.


"What's wrong? You seem so scared for a girl who was so sure her Daddy was coming to rescue her, a moment ago."


Gemma didn't want the man to think her scared, so she gave him a twisted smile, one that she had learned from her father.


"You got it all wrong, I'm only pitying your family members who have to go through the ordeal of piecing your different body parts together, before burying you. Because make no mistakes, my father will. Kill. You."


The man started laughing again. "All words and no action. A true daughter of your father."


The man bent over and held her chin in his hand forcing her to look at him, his fingers digging into her skin.

"Now. I'm going to send a message to your father, if he doesn't meet our demands within the time frame given, you will be dead! And I don't do easy, slow, and painful is my style." He eyed the knives as he spoke.


"So you had better start praying that your father meets our demands fast, or else...."

The man let go of her chin and then burst into laughter as he started walking away.

"Two of you keep an eye on her," he said to the men before he disappeared from the basement, with two other of his thugs in his wake.