
Gemma felt exhausted and her body was beginning to ache from being tied to the chair, she kept trying to untie the rope used in tying her arms but her efforts were futile, as one of Miguel's guards had made sure to make it tight.

The guard had earlier brought food for her, and instead of eating the food after the guard had untied her, Gemma threw the hot plate of soup he had brought for her in his face, and then she quickly made a beeline for the door, as the guard screamed, his hands covering his eyes.

Gemma didn't make it to the door when it swung open and two other guards came busting in.

"Where do you think you are going?" One of them barked at her as he pushed her back into the basement.

"Bitch!" The first guard she had poured soup in his face cussed, raising his right hand to slap her after they had tied her back to her chair. His colleague stopped him, holding his arm.

"Remember what Strike said, we must not touch her!" His colleague warned and he brought down his arm.

"You should be lucky the boss said not to touch you," The guard snarled, his face red from the hot soup.

"I suggest you obey your boss then," Gemma replied, her eyes studying the damage that she had done to his face, his whole face was beginning to turn red. Good for him.

The guards made sure to make the rope used in tying her arms, extra tight before they left the basement.

Gemma's eyes burned with unshed tears. Every time she thought about how this could have been avoided, she felt angry and stupid at the same time.

Her first attempt at having one nightstand and she got kidnapped.

"Way to go, Gemma," she mumbled to herself with her head hanging down from exhaustion. She was thirsty and needed to use the restroom

She thought of her family, her mom. Her mother must have worried herself to death by now trying to find her.

A tear fell from her eyes and Gemma watched as it dropped on the dirty floor.

Has her family been contacted? Do they know that she is being held by these people? Are they making plans to get her out? For her sake, Gemma hoped they were because she knew Miguel's father wasn't bluffing when he said he was going to kill her if her father doesn't meet their demands.

What was it that they wanted from her father? Would her father agree to their demands?

Gemma raised her looking around the room, how will she be able to escape these men?

The table containing the several knives have been removed from the room and there was no weapon anywhere in the room.

From what she already deduced, the door of the basement was heavily guarded, and she suspected there will be several guards outside. She stood no chance against them, she will be dead long before she even makes it out of the room.

The door to the basement opened and Miguel walked in, the fluorescent light in the room, shone on his face as he came and stood in front of her.

"You must really like seeing my face," Gemma sneered.

"Don't flatter yourself, I have seen better," Miguel said, shooting out his chin as he studied her.

"And yet, here you are. What can I do for you, Miguel?" She had heard one of the guards call him that, earlier.

Miguel kept studying her, did she just what she could do for him? She must really have some sense of humour.

"I hear you have refused to eat," Miguel asked, his eyes fixed on hers holding her in a gaze.

"So?" Gemma challenged, not looking away from him, if he wanted a staring contest, then she was more than willing to oblige, she had nothing else to do anyway.

"Eat!" Miguel demanded, placing a plate of food he had come in with, in front of her.

Gemma didn't say a word, she just kept staring at him her eyes not fluttering, her eyes focused on his pulse point and she imagined how she was going to slit his throat when she finally gets the chance.

Her blood boiled as she remembered how he had deceived her into having sex with him. She was so going to kill him.

Gemma has never killed a soul in her life, but there was a first, and she would gladly make him her first.

"Are you deaf?" Miguel asked her.

"You must be stupid," Gemma deadpanned. "My hands are tied, how am I supposed to eat?"

Miguel groaned as he came around her and started to untie her.

"I heard what you did to the guard, for your own good, I suggest you don't even think about trying it with me."

A humourless chuckle escaped Gemma's lips, "what? Are you scared of getting your face burned?"

"Make no mistake about it, if anyone's face is going to get burned, it's yours. Now eat!" He instructed after he was done untying her.

"I need to use the restroom," Gemma said, flexing her arms, refusing to touch the food.

"Eat first," Miguel instructed.

Gemma eyed the food. "Why are you so desperate about making me eat? Are you planning to off me with poison?"

A lopsided grin formed on Miguel's lips, "I don't need poison to kill. Now eat, I won't say it again."


"Forget about using the restroom then, I guess you will have to pee or even worse poo on yourself."

Miguel turned around and started walking away from the room.

"Wait!" Gemma called out, she really needed to use the restroom, she feared her bladder was going to burst any minute if she didn't relieve herself soon.

"Changed your mind?" Miguel asked turning around to face her.

Gemma picked up the plate of rice and started to eat, she took two spoons and placed the plate back on the floor.

"See? I have eaten. Can I use the restroom now?"

"Finish the food, and I might throw in a bath," Miguel offered.

Gemma considered him for a second. "why are you so concerned if I eat or not?" Gemma turned her head to the side, looking at him, she tsked, "Don't tell me you have started developing feelings for me? Because that would be too bad."

Miguel seemed insulted, he slowly shook his head at her.

"Make no mistake Honey, I don't give a shit about you."

"Then why do you care if I eat or not?"

"A cow that is to be slaughtered is first fattened. Now eat."