Your Best Shot?

Did he just compare her to a cow? Gemma's nostrils flared in anger and she opened her mouth for a comeback but Miguel interrupted her.

"Are you going to eat or what? I have better things to do with my time," he snapped, causing Gemma to shut her mouth.

Gemma smiled to herself, she picked up the plate and started to eat, not really tasting the food as she mapped out a plan in her head. She was going to make him regret ever meeting her. For tricking her into his bed and then kidnapping her, for making a fool of her. She was going to make him regret everything.

"Finished!" Gemma announced when she took the last spoon of rice and flung the plate across the room. It hit the wall and shattered into pieces.

"Oops, the plate is broken," Gemma said with mischief.

Miguel chuckled, shaking his head as he started walking towards the door. Gemma used the opportunity to quickly pick up a piece of the broken plate and hid it in her bra.

Miguel held the door open for her and walked out of the basement. There was a stairway she suspected led to the main house, but they didn't take it, instead, Miguel led her to a door that was beside the stairway. He opened it and a small bathroom came into view.

She didn't see any of the guards, she took that as a good sign, probably it was just she and Miguel now. If she was lucky with her plans, she should be able to escape.

"Can I at least have some privacy?" Gemma asked when they entered the bathroom and Miguel wasn't making any attempt to leave.

"I want to do number two, surely you don't plan on staying to watch while I do that?" Gemma asked when Miguel still making any attempt to leave.

"It's not as if I'm going to crawl through this tiny window anyway. Some privacy is all I ask," Gemma said pointing to the window in the restroom.

Miguel groaned finally attempting to leave. "You have two minutes, be fast about it. And You had better not try anything funny." He warned.

Gemma scowled as she shut the door in his face. She wanted to bolt it but saw the bolt had been removed, and there was no key to lock it with either.

Sighing she sat on the toilet, her bladder burned with release as she eased herself. When she was done. She started opening the cabinets in the bathroom hoping to find something sharp, a shaving razor perhaps. Something to injure Miguel with, perhaps kill him with, anything other than the tiny piece of the broken plate she had hidden inside her bra. But the cabinets were empty, she sighed in resignation as she opened the last one and found it empty.

"Are you done?" Miguel barked from the other side of the door.

"Almost" Gemma called out. She brought out the piece of the broken plate she had hidden inside her bra. It was small, but if she used it well, it can get the job done.

"Time up," Miguel said as he opened the door.

"I'm done," Gemma said pasting a fake smile on her face, wrapping her fingers around the broken piece of plate.

Miguel closed the door as he walked inside the bathroom. His eyes went to one of the cabinets that she had forgotten to close. He smirked as he looked back at her. He knew what she was looking for.

"And may I ask what is funny?" Miguel asked, his eyes on her.

"What? Am I not allowed to smile? Or are your prisoners forbidden from smiling?" Gemma challenged, trying not to show the fear that she felt.

What was he going to do to her now that he knows she was looking for a weapon to hurt him with?

"Found what you were looking for?" Miguel asked.

"No," Gemma answered, taking a step backwards.

They both stood staring at each other. Miguel started walking towards her, and Gemma took a step backwards with every step that he took towards her until her back hit the wall and she had nowhere else to go.

Miguel had a predatory look in his eyes, the same one he had in them while they were at the bar.

Gemma wanted to look away but she couldn't seem to do that, there was something about his eyes and the way he looked at her that made her feel trapped.

Miguel brought his right hand to her face and brushed away hair from her face with his knuckle, his fingers lingering a bit.

Gemma held her breath as he brought his face closer to hers. His face was very close to hers, their breath mingled, Miguel paused for a second, it was as if he was expecting her to stop him. But She didn't, instead, Gemma brought her lips to his and kissed him.

He tasted of alcohol, wine perhaps. So he had been drinking and having a good time while she was tied up in that dirty basement? Probably celebrating his victory in kidnapping her. This triggered a wave of anger within Gemma.

Miguel slid his tongue inside her mouth and she allowed him, she angled her head to the side bringing her right palm to his neck. She had her eyes open, targeting a spot, she brought the broken piece of plate to his neck, and using the pointed end, she tried to stab Miguel with it.

Miguel immediately disconnected from their kiss, holding her wrist tight before she could go deep, the plate piercing his skin and drawing blood.

Gemma was breathing fast as she tried to retrieve her hand from his grip, but he held on to it.

Miguel pried the broken plate out of her fingers and threw it on the floor.

Gemma tried to make a run for the door but he yanked her back and pushed her against the wall.

"Trying to kill me huh? With a broken plate? Really? Was that your best shot?"

Míguel didn't seem surprised, it was as if he had been expecting it.

"You had better allow me to go, because I'm going to do it again, and next time I won't miss!" Gemma threatened, breathing fast. She was expecting him to react, maybe hit her or something, but he didn't. He just stared at her, amusement in his eyes.

Miguel brought his left hand to his neck, and touched the blood that oozed out of the cut, he sneered as he looked at it.

Gemma watched as he wiped the blood against her cheek. "Next time aim for the carotid artery, you have a higher chance when you do."

Gemma blinked, did he just give her a tip on how to kill him? This guy is sicker than she thought.

"Guess Daddy didn't teach you that huh?" he asked smiling. "Do you even know what that is?"

Did he think her dumb? The fact that he was able to easily lure her into his bed doesn't mean she is dumb.

"I will have you..."

"Time up Daddy's girl, move it!" Miguel said, interrupting her. He held her by her arm and led her out of the bathroom.

"Don't test my demons Daddy's girl, you don't want to know what I'm like when you do."

Miguel said as he pushed her back into the basement.

Gemma heard the clicking sound as he locked the door from outside.

She noticed the remaining pieces of the broken plate had been swept away.

Gemma sat down on the chair and burst into tears, there was no way out of this for her.