Her New Cell

The following morning, Gemma woke up with her head feeling like it was twice its normal size.

She groaned as she rolled on the bed with her eyes still closed and for a moment she thought she was back at home and in her own bed. But when she opened her eyes she was greeted with disappointment.

She was still being held hostage but to her surprise, she was no longer in that dirty basement.

Groaning Gemma slowly sat up on the bed resting her back against the headboard as the event of last night came back to her.

Finally, she had escaped or so she had thought before Miguel's guard caught up with her and knocked her out.

Gemma winced as she brought her hand to the place where the guard's gun had connected with her face, touching it with her fingers.

The bandaid Miguel had placed on it last night was still there. She remembers the way he had looked at her and Gemma could have sworn that she saw a tiny bit of kindness in those hazel eyes of his when he cleaned her wound.

What was he playing at? What do they want with her?

First, he has sex with her and gives her a mind-blowing orgasm, her first orgasm ever and then he proceeds to kidnap her. Who takes time to please his victims before kidnapping them? Why didn't he just proceed to kidnap her instead of going through that path?

Gemma pulled her fingers through her already messy hair.

Miguel's father mentioned something about asking for a ransom from her father in exchange for her.

If it's money that they want to ask for, Gemma knows her father won't have a problem with giving it to them. If there is something the Russos are known it's having more money than they can spend.

But from the little, she has seen Gemma could tell that money wasn't an issue for these people.

What then do they want that they had to kidnap her?

What if they demand something her father can't give? She knows her father loves her, but there is something she knows her father loves more, the cartel. For her father, the cartel always comes first.

What will these people do with her if her father doesn't meet their demands?

They will kill her. There is no doubt about it. She can't die. Not like this.

Sunlight streamed into the room from the only window that was in it. She caught a glimpse of a tiny bathroom through a door in a corner of the room.

Gemma got off the bed and started pacing the room. She needed to come up with a plan on how she was going to escape. This time it has been a more concrete plan.

Gemma looked around the room searching for anything that she could use as a weapon but the bed and the nightstand were the only pieces of furniture in the room. The white walls are bare, with no paintings or pictures.

Who were these people?

She walked over to the window and all she could see were trees, it was as if they were situated in the middle of a forest.

If she did escape it will take a while probably hours before she gets to a road and see anyone that might help her, that's if they don't catch her before then.

Miguel already warned that she might not be alive to tell the story if she tries to escape again.

Not giving up, Gemma walked over to the bathroom. It was plain, just a sink, a toilet and a shower.

She came out of the bathroom and went to the door of the bedroom she tried to open it but it was locked from the outside.

She groaned as she resumed pacing the room chewing on her fingernails, thinking of a way out.

After a few minutes, a knock came on the door and then followed by the sound of the door being unlocked.

Gemma's first instinct was to grab a weapon but there was nothing to protect herself with. She was completely defenceless.

What if the person on the other side had come to hurt her? Rape her? She had heard stories of what these drug lords do to their victims.

Gemma waited with her breath in her mouth as she watched the door.

She was immediately washed with relief when the door opened and Miguel walked in holding a tray.

Not that she trusted him not to hurt her, but she preferred he was the one coming into the room and not one of the guards. Especially not the one who had gone after her last night or the one she had kneed in the groin to escape. After what she did, she won't be surprised if those two tried to hurt her.

Miguel shot the door with his legs and walked deeper into the room. He placed the tray containing food and a cup of coffee on the nightstand.

He turned to face her a beautiful smile on his face that made him seem innocent when he was anything but.

"Good morning," he said.

Gemma ignored him, eyeing him warily.

Miguel had on khaki pants and a black tank top that showed off his muscles. Gemma spotted a tattoo on his left upper arm she couldn't quite make out what it was except she moves closer. Her eyes travelled to his hands, his long fingers and all she could remember was how those fingers were curled inside her. What they did to her body.

"Hum..." Miguel cleared his throat, bringing her back to the room.

Gemma immediately reprimanded herself for having such canal thoughts about a man who was holding her hostage.

"When you are done starting, you might want to eat," Miguel said pointing to the tray of food he had kept on the nightstand.

"I'm sure it's laced with drugs to knock me out," Gemma said eyeing the tray of breakfast.

Miguel chuckled amused by her statement. "It's drug-free."

"And why should I trust you? It isn't as if you haven't drugged me before," Gemma said, not trusting him even for a second.

Miguel became even more amused. "You are right, you shouldn't trust me. Well, you can do whatever you want with the food."

"You are not going to force me to eat this time?"

"Nope! Like I already said, do whatever you want with it."

"Who are you people and what exactly is it that you want from my family?"

Miguel leaned against a wall, crossing his legs at the ankle.

"Ever heard of the name Greco?" He asked, his voice calm.

"Greco? As in Greco cartel?"

"Yup, that's who we are," Miguel said with pride.

Gemma blinked several times as she suddenly realized whose territory she was in. Greco Cartel?

"You are...." Gemma trailed off, she was in her father's worst enemy's territory. Her family and the Grecos are never seen together in the same space.

How did she end up here? How were they able to cross over to her family's side of the city to kidnap her without being detected?

"Your father does truly need to work on his security system," Miguel said as if reading her thoughts.

"What do you want?" Gemma managed to ask.

"We need a certain trade lane that your father controls, the moment he hands it over to us, you will be free to leave."

Gemma gave him an incredulous look they wanted her father to give up a trade lane in exchange for her.

"He is not going to do it," Gemma said more to herself than Miguel.

"We will have to wait and see about that," Miguel leaned off the wall and walked out of the room, shutting Gemma in her new prison.