Her Charms

When Gemma was done eating her food, she left the tray on the nightstand and sat on the bed trying to come up with an escape plan.

About thirty minutes later a knock came on the bedroom door.

At first, Gemma ignored it, Miguel was going to come in anyway. But the person kept knocking so Gemma said, "come in."

She wondered why he bothered with the faux formality when he was the one who locked the door from outside.

She watched the doorknob as it turned and the door opened.

Gemma was disappointed when one of the guards she had once seen in the basement walked in. She was expecting it to be Miguel.

"I'm here to get your plate and give you this." The guard placed a grey shirt and a towel he was holding on the mattress.

"I will be needing some toiletries as well," Gemma asked.

"Or are your prisoners not allowed to have those?"

"I will let Miguel know," was all the guard said before he carried the tray, turned around and left the room, making sure to lock the door.

Gemma picked up the shirt the guard had brought, it was a clean dress shirt, from the size she could tell it belonged to Miguel.

She couldn't care less at this point if it was his shirt or not. She just wants to take off the tight dress she was putting on and change into something more comfortable.

Gemma got from the bed and took the towel with her as she went to the bathroom.

Gemma stripped out of her clothes and stepped into the shower.

She closed her eyes as the hot needles of water splashed on her body.


"Gemma?" Miguel called out when he entered the room and didn't find her there.

He noticed the shirt he had given one of the guards to come to give him, on the bed.

"Gemma?" He continued to call out as he walked towards the bathroom.

He placed his ear to the door listening for the sound of the shower running. But there was silence on the other end.

"Gemma?" He tried to hide the urgency in his voice as he knocked on the bathroom door but there was no answer.

Miguel immediately panicked. Did she try to kill herself or something? There was no sharp object in there, but there was no telling with her.

He immediately opened the door. And to say he wasn't prepared for the sight he was greeted with was an understatement.

The bathroom was fogged with steam and Gemma was stepping out of the shower naked!

Miguel felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs as he stood staring at her.

She was standing there exposed to him. He expected her to cover up and scream at him to go away but she didn't. Her eyes were fixed on his, it was as if she was daring him to do something.

Miguel couldn't help but stare at her naked form. Her full round breasts and erect nipples seemed to be calling out to him.

Miguel groaned inwardly as he felt his cock strain against his trouser, in response.

His eyes travelled down to her flat tummy and full hips and long beautiful legs. He tore his eyes away from her body and brought them back to her face.

"I brought you some toiletries," Miguel said ignoring the strain in his zipper. He needed to think with his brain.

"You sounded worried a minute ago," Gemma said in a sultry tone her eyes holding his.

So she had heard him when he knocked?

She made no effort to cover up. She was bent on taunting him with her body and she was succeeding.

"No. I wasn't," Miguel lied taking a step away from her and putting some distance between them.

Gemma's furrowed her brows. "Oh! I could have sworn it was a worry I heard in your voice."

she flashed him a toothy grin. "Were you worried I had hurt myself?"

From the mischief that danced in her eyes, Miguel could tell the thought had crossed her mind. He won't put it past her to try and kill herself just so she can get away from him. He made a mental note to do a second check in the room and bathroom for anything she can hurt herself with.

Miguel flashed her a smile. "You won't blame me if I was worried. Without you we have nothing to bargain with," he admitted.

Gemma smiled. "Well, as you can see, I'm alive," she stepped closer until they were only inches apart.

She shook her head allowing wet strands of her dark hair to frame her face.

Miguel leaned back as water splashed against his face.

"Sorry," Gemma bit her bottom lip, daring him with her eyes to kiss her.

Gemma could see the hungry look in his eyes, she was happy that she affected him. She looked down and saw his erection and looked back at him smiling.

She doesn't know if what she is trying to do makes any sense, but she will do anything to get away from here, and if it means seducing him, then she will do it.

She needed a gun to be able to get out of this place, and she hopes to steal the one tucked in his waistband.

He is attracted to her, she just needs to seduce him and she will get hold of the gun. She pressed her chest against his chest, slowly swiping her tongue across her bottom lip.

Miguel looked down at her breasts and then back at her face. The look of hunger in his eyes was gone. He now seems bored to death.

"You need to do better at your seductive skills, Daddy's Girl."

He gently pushed her away from him and started walking out of the bathroom.

"You might want to get dressed, we wouldn't want you catching pneumonia, at least not under my watch." Miguel said over his shoulder before he opened the bathroom door and left.

Gemma stood stunned staring at the door. His rejection hit so hard it felt like he had struck her.

She might have felt a lot better if Miguel had struck her.

Making up her mind to try again next time, Gemma picked up the towel and wrapped herself in it.

Miguel might have been able to resist her charms today but she knows he won't be able to resist it next time.