Shoot Him

Miguel's father had a wide smile on his lips as he ended his negotiations with Russo.

"It's a deal! We are getting half of the North trade line," he said with his arms spread wide.

"It's not what we had set out to get but it's good for a start. We will surely get the other half soon."

Miguel chuckled at his father's reaction, he seemed a bit too excited for someone who didn't want to take the deal only a few minutes ago.

"Tell the men to get ready, tomorrow we are taking the girl back and in exchange, we are going to be handed the signed documents declaring us in charge of half of the North trade line."

"All right," Miguel replied with a curt nod, he turned around to leave and when he got to the door his father called,


Miguel turned back to look at him.

"You did well," his father said.

Miguel was surprised. This was the second time his father was commending him in one week, more than he has ever done in years. If Miguel didn't know any better he would have thought that his father was changing into a better person. But asking his father to change would mean asking a leopard to change its spots. Impossible.

Without responding to his father's compliment, Miguel turned around and left the kitchen. Tomorrow Gemma will be handed back to her people.

He was supposed to be happy about this. Now he has finally proven to his father that he was capable of running the cartel.

He should be happy that he would no longer be saddled with Gemma. After all, she had been a torn in his flesh and heart since he met her. But Miguel wasn't happy. Miguel was anything but happy.

When he got to Gemma's bedroom door, he stood there thinking whether or not he should go in. There was no point in taunting himself he should stay away from her until tomorrow when they are to return her.

After much contemplating, Miguel knocked on her door before he opened it.

Gemma was lying on the bed with her legs crossed at the ankle. She was staring at the ceiling with so much concentration and didn't move when Miguel walked in.

Miguel stood watching her wondering what was so interesting on the ceiling. He looked at the ceiling, checking for himself.

"We've reached an agreement with your father. You are going home tomorrow," Miguel said after a while of observing her.

Gemma didn't respond, she didn't even act as if she had heard him. If not for her eyes that were blinking, Miguel would have thought she was dead.

Miguel waited for her to say something but she didn't.

Seeing she was not going to speak, Miguel turned to leave but before he got to the door, Gemma finally spoke.

"I hope you have said your last prayers. Because my father and brothers are going to put a bullet in each in your head, and that onion bulb you call a father!"

Did she just refer to his father as an onion bulb? Miguel chuckled. She keeps cracking him up with the things that come out of her mouth.

She has a lot of confidence in her family and he felt pity for her because she was still living in a bubble.

Miguel didn't glorify her statement with an answer, instead, he flashed her a wicked smile before he left the room.

The moment Gemma heard the click of the door as Miguel shut the door, Gemma jumped off the bed in excitement. Her father had given them what they wanted. She was going back home!

By tomorrow she would be back with her family, and she will see her mother. Gemma placed her hands on her chest as she thought of her mother. She knew she must have worried herself sick by now.

"I'm going back home," she flung herself on the bed in excitement.

After she leaves this place she would definitely find a way to pay Miguel back for luring her into his bed and then kidnapping her. If her father and brothers don't kill him she would do it herself.


Miguel was lying awake in his bed in the middle of the night unable to sleep when he heard a scream come from Gemma's room.

He sprang to his feet and in one minute he had put on his clothes with his gun in one hand.

He quickly ran to her room the door was wide open and Gemma was on the bed struggling to fight off his father who was lying on top with his pants halfway down.

Gemma was screaming and shouting, trying to fight Miguel's father off.

The horny bastard! He was trying to rape her.

Miguel saw red. And without thinking he pulled aimed his gun and shot his father.

The bullet hit his left arm, and grunting like a pig, he fell on Gemma holding his shoulder.

Miguel rushed over to Gemma and pushed his father's body off Gemma, to the floor and then he started punching him.

"You bastard!"

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Pablo shouted at Miguel as he entered the room. He rushed over and dragged Miguel off his bleeding father.

"The bastard tried to rape her!" Miguel shouted fighting off Pablo's hands.

"And so what? He is the boss, if he wants to have a feel of the prisoner, he has every right to do so."

"What?" Miguel's blood boiled and he felt like putting a bullet through his useless cousin's skull.

"L… lock him up," Miguel's father managed to grunt out, blood spilling out from his injured mouth where Miguel had punched him.

"Lock h…. him up," his father said again pointing at Miguel.

"You heard the boss, I would have to…"

Before Pablo could finish talking, Miguel punched him in his mouth causing him to stumble backwards. Pablo tried to pull out his gun but Miguel was quicker than him and shot him, aiming at right his thigh.

Pablo dropped his gun and gripped his injured thigh.

Gemma whimpered and Miguel turned to look at her. She had coiled herself into a corner of the bed, whimpering in fear, the shirt she had on was torn in several places. It looked like a rag on her. Her cheeks were red with finger marks, Miguel guessed his father must have hit her.

''Gemma,'' Miguel whispered in a soft voice trying not to scare her. She had so much fear in her eyes as she looked at him and she scooted backwards away from him.

"You are going to pay for this Miguel. Going against your family because of some useless bitch!" Pablo said with a groan, holding his thigh where Miguel had shot him.

Miguel saw he was trying to reach for his gun and he quickly kicked it out of his reach.

"Help!" Pablo screamed out.

Miguel raised his hands as he turned to face Gemma his gun in one hand. "I'm not going to hurt you, Gemma." He stretched out his hand to her. "We need to leave."

"What is going on?" One of the guards asked as he ran into the room, two other guards behind him.

"Shoot him!" Pablo instructed the guards.

Miguel pointed his gun at the guard. "You would do no such thing."

"I said, shoot him," Pablo said again.

"Stand down!" Miguel commanded.

"He shot the boss," Pablo said referring to Miguel's father who was already passed out on the floor. "Shoot him."

"Who will you obey? Him or your underboss? I said stand down now!" Miguel commanded.

The men immediately put down their guns. Still holding his gun at them, Miguel stretched out his free hand to Gemma and he was grateful that she took it.

Gemma came down from the bed and Miguel pulled her to his side wrapping his free hand around her.

"Drop your guns and step out of the way," Miguel commanded.

The guards did as they were told.

"What are you doing? Don't let him get away," Pablo shouted at the guards.

Miguel and Gemma stepped out of the room using their backs. "Don't come close and I won't have to shoot you," Miguel warned them.

Miguel locked the door from outside using his key. He held Gemma's hand as he took the stairs two at a time.

They met two guards at the front door and they quickly obeyed Miguel when he asked them to step away from the door.

"Where are we going?" Gemma asked in a fearful tone when Miguel opened one of the cars parked outside for her to get in.

"We are leaving this place."

When he saw the fear in her eyes he said, "I know you don't trust me. But I'm your best shot at safety right now. If you want, you can go back inside to be with them."

Gemma quickly got into the car without asking any further questions. Miguel got into the car and sped off.