His Fault

Miguel was so pissed he almost lost control, which rarely happened because he is always in control of his emotions.

He was pissed at his excuse of a father for trying to force himself on Gemma. But he was even more pissed at himself for not protecting her from his father. After what his father told him about wanting to have sex with Gemma, Miguel shouldn't have left her alone. He should have been on guard.

He clutched the steering wheel tighter as he thought of what his father would have done to her, had he not gotten there fast enough.

"Punk!" Miguel spat out through his window.

How did his father even manage to get into Gemma's room? Miguel wondered.

He had made sure to lock the door when he left Gemma's bedroom, and he was the only one who had the key.

Miguel cussed as he thought of all the ways his father could have been able to get into Gemma's room. He wouldn't put it past his father to get one of the guards to pick the lock.

"The bastard!" Miguel murmured under his breath. If he doesn't die from the bullet Miguel had shot him this night, then Miguel will make sure to aim at his head next time. He should have killed that man a long time ago.

Miguel took his eyes off the road glancing at Gemma who had fallen asleep. Her cheek was red with finger marks from his father. The fact that his father had laid his filthy hands on her, made his blood boil. God help him the next time he sees that man!

Miguel felt sorry for her. She didn't deserve what she was going through. She was supposed to be in her queen-sized bed right now, or whatever type of bed she had, sleeping. And not here in the front seat of his car, in tattered clothes, looking homeless.

She was in this because of him. Because of his stupid ambition to become the underboss and prove to his father that he could run the cartel. And then he came and threw her into this chaos.

He felt guilty that he had to drag her into this. Now she had become entangled in this mess.

Miguel stole another glance at Gemma as she stirred. Her black curly hair now covered her face. Her pouty lips slightly parted.

Miguel looked away his eyes landing on the digital clock on his car dashboard, 5:40 AM. The sun was beginning to make its appearance in the sky. He turned to look out the window, inhaling the fresh morning air as it hit his nostrils.

Within the next hour, they should have arrived at his secret safe house. His father doesn't know about it. They will be safe staying there until he comes up with a plan.


Gemma still had her eyes closed even if she was awake.

Her mind couldn't stop thinking about the incident.

-a few hours earlier-

Gemma was lying awake on the bed too excited to sleep because she would be going back home tomorrow.

She heard a sound coming from the other side of the door it was as if someone was trying to open it.

What could Miguel possibly want from her by this time of the night? Gemma wondered.

She immediately became scared and swallowed whatever insults she was preparing to hurl at Miguel when the door swung open and his father strode into the room switching on the light.

"It's a good thing you are awake, that makes it even easier," Miguel's father leered at her.

The hair at the back of Gemma's neck stood as she immediately sat up on the bed. Whatever business this man had come for, wasn't a pleasant one.

"I now see why my son is taken by you," Miguel's father leered, shamelessly licking his bottom lip with his tongue.

"What do you want?" Gemma asked in a fearful tone as she continued to shift backwards on the bed with each step Miguel's father took towards her.

"Isn't it obvious?" Miguel's father spread his beefy arms wide open.

"I'm here to have a piece of what my son has been getting."

"Don't you dare come near me!" Gemma looked around the bed searching for anything she could defend herself with, but there was none.

"In case you haven't noticed, I give the orders around here."

He took off his shirt and climbed on the bed.

"Don't come near me, my father will kill you if you touch me!" Gemma tried to sound threatening but Miguel's father found her words to be funny instead, and he burst into laughter.

"No, you are wrong, your father won't be able to do anything to me. And that's because you are not going to mention anything about this to him."

Gemma knew he was right. She would not be able to mention something as shameful as being raped, to her father. It's shameful and if the news got out, she will be considered damaged.

"Don't come near me!" She warned, but it sounded like an invitation to Miguel's father because he pounced on her.

Pinning her to the bed with his heavy body.

Gemma was screaming at the top of her voice fighting him off with her all her strength.

The slaps she received from him didn't stop her from shouting and trying to fight him off.

"Are you all right?"

Gemma's slowly opened her eyes, Miguel was looking at her with concern. She must have cried out.

"Are you all right?" He asked again returning his attention to the road.

"Yeah," Gemma replied in a soft voice looking out the window, hiding her teary eyes away from Miguel. She wrapped her arms around herself.

"Where are we going?" We've been drying for hours, just how far is this place?" Gemma asked.

"It's hard to know how long we've been on the road for when you've been sleeping all through."

"Whatever," Gemma rolled her eyes. "Make a stop, I want to ease myself."

"I'm sorry I can't do that. We can't make a stop until we get to the safe house, it's too risky."

Gemma turned to look at him. "Didn't you hear when I said I needed to ease myself?"

"You will have to hold on until we get to the safe house. Or do you have urinary incontinence?"

Gemma gritted her teeth stopping herself from talking. Miguel was trying to provoke her, and she wasn't going to allow him to succeed.