Trust No One

Miguel teased her lips with his before he deepened the kiss.

Gemma opened up for him and their tongues engaged in an erotic dance.

She released a moan when Miguel brought his hand to her neck and gently caressed her skin.

Miguel's mouth drowned her moans as he continued to kiss her.

Even though it was just a kiss, Gemma could feel herself already getting wet. She is not supposed to allow him to do this to her, she is supposed to hate him.

Gemma snapped out from whatever haze she was in, and she bit his lower lip until she drew blood.

She pulled away when she felt the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

Miguel didn't flinch, instead, he smiled as he swiped his tongue across the spot where she had bitten him.

"You seem to have a thing for my blood," he chuckled. "If I didn't know any better, I would think you to be a vampire."

Gemma shrugged nonchalantly as she picked up the spoon inside the plate of food and began to eat.

Miguel chuckled again as he leaned off the table and sauntered out of the kitchen.

By the time Gemma was done eating and came back to the bedroom, Miguel had just finished having his bath. He was sitting on the bed.

The room was slowly getting warm because of the fire he had earlier lit.

"Which side do you prefer?" Miguel asked referring to the bed.

"Why? I hope you don't plan on sleeping on the bed with me?" Gemma asked, eying him.

Miguel looked around the room. "Where else would you suggest that I sleep?" He asked.

"I don't know! How about you stay awake? Kidnappers aren't meant to sleep."

"Says who? Have you been a kidnapper before?"

Gemma was quiet as she looked at him. Were they seriously having this conversation?

"You are not going to sleep on the same bed as me!"

"Fine! You can take the floor, if you find it to be too cold you can sleep on the table in the kitchen. Oh, I forgot, it will break under your weight."

"Are you calling me fat?" Gemma wanted to rip his head off.

Miguel smirked. "Someone is insecure about her size."

"I am not insecure about my size!" Gemma gritted out.

"You can't sleep with me on the same bed."

"And why not? Are you scared you might start dry-humping me like you did the last time?"

Gemma's cheeks became red with embarrassment and she turned away.

Miguel smiled as he lay on the bed and brought the blanket to his waist.

"You can join me in bed or you can sleep on the floor or wherever you want."

Gemma stood looking at him as he closed his eyes. She could tell he wasn't sleeping.

He was right, she didn't want to sleep in the same bed with him because she didn't trust herself not to do something stupid. She contemplated sleeping on the floor, but that would be a stupid thing to do. The floor was cold and she would end up getting sick by morning. That's if she doesn't die from cold before morning.

Not having any other choice. She climbed on the bed and stayed on the edge.

Miguel covered her with the blanket. Gemma had her back to him. She expected him to gloat, but he didn't.

"I'm sorry for what my father did. I'm sorry he tried to force himself on you," Miguel said in a calm voice.

"I don't know how he managed to get into your room, I had the key to your room. I'm truly sorry."

"I know, it wasn't your fault."

"How do you know that?"

"I just know. You don't seem like you are capable of doing such a thing."

"I kidnapped you. How can you trust me?"

"I never said I trusted you. I don't trust you."

"Better. Trust no one."

"You don't have anyone you trust?" Gemma asked.


Gemma turned to face him. He had his face towards the ceiling.


"Trust puts you in a vulnerable position. You shouldn't trust anyone but yourself."

"How do you work with people that you don't trust?"

Miguel chuckled. "I pay for their loyalty. You should limit your level of trust."

"Hmm. You have a point. I trusted you and see where it got me."

Miguel smirked. "You should get some rest."

"Since I can't trust you, how do I know that you are not going to try to murder me in my sleep?"

"That should be my line." Miguel chuckled. "I won't kill you because you are of no use to me dead."

"So, even if I tried to kill you, you won't----"

"Make no mistake Baby girl, I won't hesitate to put a bullet through your head, the next time you pull any of those silly stunts of yours."

Gemma knew she was supposed to be scared of him, but she wasn't.

Instead, she closed her eyes as she drifted off to sleep.

Miguel waited for Gemma to fall asleep before he got off the bed and took out one of the cell phones he always hid in the cabin.

He went to the kitchen and shut the door before he dialled Roman's number. Jack is one of his father's workers. He more like worked more for Miguel as he reported every dealing to Miguel whenever he was out of town.

"Red," Miguel said their code so Roman could know that he was the one on the phone."

"Red," Roman responded.

"What is the situation of things?" Miguel asked.

Roman didn't answer immediately, Miguel could tell that he was leaving where he was to somewhere that was more private.

"Your Dad regained consciousness after the doctor attended to him in, the early hours of this morning. He is still weak from the gunshot but he is insisting on meeting with Russo tomorrow. He made Pablo put a call across to Russo asking that they meet tomorrow for the exchange."

"How does he plan to do that? He doesn't have the girl."

"As we speak, your father has sent out several men in search of you. He asked that you be shot on sight and the girl brought to him alive."

"Did he give the impression that he knows where I might be?"

"No, but several men have been sent to search all the family safe houses."

"What time is my father supposed to meet with Russo?"

"By 11 pm."

"Thanks Roman, I will call you back." Miguel said before ending the call.

Miguel smiled. Does his father really think he can get Gemma back before he meets with Russo tomorrow? He must really underestimate him.