There Will Be War

Everything was ready. Russo and his two sons together with his consigliere and some of his bodyguards were prepared to meet Greco to hand over the signed documents making them in charge of half of the North trade line, and also for Greco to hand his daughter back to him.


"We will definitely get the trade line back," Russo's consigliere said to him as they arrived at the meeting point they had agreed upon.


"We most definitely will," Russo replied.


It was an abandoned warehouse. Russo already has some of his men hiding around the premises with their weapons, should Greco try to act funny.



"Why aren't they here yet?" Bernal asked impatiently after they had waited for about ten minutes and Greco and his men were nowhere in sight.


"Let's wait for them a little longer," Jose, Russo's consigliere said, glancing at his wristwatch.


Just then, the door to the warehouse opened and all of Russo's men drew out their weapons.


Greco and his men walked in. He was wearing an arm sling in one arm. His men flagged him on both sides. His son was not with him and neither was Russo's daughter.


"Hello Russo," Greco said stretching out his good arm, smiling like they were friends.


"You kept us waiting!"  Bernal spat.


"Oh, I'm so sorry about that," Greco said still smiling. He looked at Russo's men who still had their guns pointed at him and his men. His men had theirs pointed at them as well.


"Aren't you going to ask your men to put down their weapons?" Greco asked.


"How about you ask your men to put down theirs?" Russo asked.


Greco signalled for his men to put down their weapons and they did. Russo did the same.


Greco cleared his throat. "First of all, I would like to apologize for postponing our meeting. I know we agreed to meet yesterday. But as you can see, I had a little accident and I needed to get medical attention." Greco pointed at his injured arm.


"I see," Russo said.


"So let's get down to business. I believe you have something to give to me. A signed copy of the document making me the rightful owner of half the North trade line?" Greco stretched out his uninjured arm to Russo.


Russo looked at Greco's hand and then at Greco's face. "Not so fast. Where is my daughter? I don't see her anywhere."


"Oh, your daughter is fine. She will be handed over to you the moment we get the documents and confirm it's legit."



"No!" Jose said. "We have to see her first and confirm that she is alive before we can hand over the documents to you."



"Oh come on! Stop acting so insecure. I give you my word, once I have the documents and confirm that it's legit, you will have your girl back."


"You must think us stupid!" Mateo said in an angry tone. "Your word means nothing to us."


"Where is Gemma? If we don't see her, we are not handing the documents over," Bernal shouted.


"Everyone calm down. There is no need to get all angry." Greco said raising his uninjured arm.


"Why are you stalling Greco? Where is my daughter? We had an agreement. You hand over my daughter to me, and you will get half of the North trade line." Russo looked around. "I don't see her anywhere around, where is she?"


"You didn't bring her with you?" Jose asked.


"Tranquilo," Greco said, meaning calm down in Spanish. "You will get your girl back."


"Then bring her here now! We demand to see her!" Bernal said in a raised voice.


"I can show you a video just to prove that she is ale and hearty," Greco said.


Russo chuckled. "You really are something, Greco. Now let me tell you something," Russo stepped closer to Greco and Greco's men immediately pointed their guns at him. Russo didn't flinch as he walked up to Greco and stood in his face. His men had their guns pointed at Greco and his men as well.


"If you ever thought for a second in that brain of yours that I'm going to hand over those documents to you without first seeing my daughter, then you must be moving mad! Now I'm going to say this only once, so listen carefully. I'm giving you 24 hours to bring my daughter to me. 24 hours! After that and I don't see my daughter, then I will take it that you have declared war. And we will be ready and willing to oblige you! 24 hours Greco! Bring my daughter to me or there will be war!"


With that said, Russo signalled to his men for them to leave. He was the first to walk out of the warehouse, his men and sons who were behind him, including his consigliere, walked out with their backs, they had their guns pointed at Greco and his men until they got into their car and drove off.


"Fuck!" Greco kicked an empty box in the warehouse. "That stupid boy is about to cost me a deal of a lifetime!"


He turned to face Pablo who was standing beside him. "How far with the men that were sent out to look for him and the girl?"


"He still hasn't been found," Pablo said.


"Well, you guys need to hurry up! I want him found, you can kill him but as for that girl, I want her alive!"


"We are trying to fi--"


"Try harder damn it! I can't lose this trade line and most of all I can't risk going to war with Russo! Not that I am afraid of him, but I need to get my hands on those documents first! After that, we can go to war." Greco was breathing hard.


"Send out more men, as many that are needed. Tell them to comb every nook and cranny for Miguel. Shoot him on sight and bring that girl to me, unscathed! You have 12 hours!"