Run Away

Gemma had tears in her eyes as she paced her bedroom. She couldn't believe her family no longer cares about her, they now see her as a liability that needs to be sold off.

It's as if they can't wait to get her off their hands. They no longer want her around.

"Gemma, I think you need to calm down," Elena said from a corner of Gemma's bedroom as she stood watching her.

After she left Bernal's quarters Gemma sent an emergency message to Elena, asking her to come to the house immediately.

Elena had to go abandon all that she was doing, and came down to the house.

"They are all planning to get rid of me. If they so badly want me out of their hair why then did they bother to get me back from Miguel? They should have just allowed me to die in his hands."

"Come on, Gemma don't say that. Your family cares about you."