Deal With It

Miguel stood at the door with a smile on his face. If he had heard what Gemma's mother had said about him, he didn't show any sign.

"I forgot my phone," he said as he came and picked up his phone that was on the table beside Gemma's chair.

Both Gemma and her mother remained silent until he left the room.

"If I had my way, you won't go anywhere close to that boy!" She spoke with disgust.


"What?" her mother snapped. "If only you had not been so stubborn and..."

"Are we back to that now? Is that why you came here to rub my mistake in my face?"

Her mother mumbled some unintelligible words, Gemma caught some curses she was sure were directed at Miguel.

About thirty minutes later, Miguel walked back into the room.

"I got you something to eat," He said raising a paper bag he was holding. If he heard anything Gemma and her mother had been talking about earlier he still didn't show it.