Is She Falling?

Miguel ignored Gemma's snide remark as he looked at his cousin who quickly wiped the smile off his face. What was so funny that got them laughing so loud he heard their voices from the garage? So they are buddies now? He left him with her for only a few hours and they were already bonding? 

His eyes went to the empty packs of cookies and the almost empty can of orange juice. His idiot cousin was eating on duty. Miguel doesn't know why, but he felt jealous. 

"I should be on my way," Sergio said standing up. 

"Goodnight," Gemma said with a sweet smile. 

Oh, God help him he is about to kill his cousin. Why was she smiling at him like that? She has never smiled at him that way. 

Sergio wanted to respond but when he saw the look Miguel gave him, he clipped his mouth shut and quickly left.