
Gemma stopped in her tracks when she saw Miguel sitting in the living room staring daggers at her.


"Where are you coming from?" Miguel asked again as if she didn't hear him the first time.

She heard him quite all right but doesn't see the need to answer him. Who does he think he is? He can go out and come back whenever he likes and she can't do the same?


Gemma scoffed as she started to walk away without answering him. "Gem… I'm talking to you!" Miguel growled.


"And I don't want to talk to you," Gemma replied. She could feel Miguel's eyes on her as she took the stairs to her bedroom.


"Asking me where I have been like he has the right to ask me that after disappearing for days!" Gemma muttered in anger as she took off her shoes. Just then Miguel walked in.


"You went out without your driver or any bodyguard. What the hell is wrong with you?"