Drop The Act

The club was buzzing with activity, people brushed past them as they made their way to the dancing floor. Gemma looked around for Ken her bodyguard, but he was nowhere in sight.


Her eyes came back to Miguel and she noticed anger flicker through his eyes as he stared at her. She didn't want to go home yet, and not even his intimidating looks would make her do so.


"We are going home, now!" Miguel growled his eyes not leaving hers.


Gemma matched his stare. "And I just told you that I don't want to go home yet! I came here to have fun and I will leave when I'm done, not before!"


Miguel closed his eyes taking a deep breath. Gemma could see that he was trying to contain his anger but she didn't care.


"Gem….. Gem…. don't fucking push me! Let's not make a scene. You are coming home with me."


Gemma threw her head and laughed. Miguel looked at her like she had gone mad.