How Could He?

Gemma was furious and she saw red. her blood boiled with anger. 

"How dare you?!" She raised her hand to hit him in the face again but Miguel held her hand this time stopping her. 

"You had better stop," he warned still holding her hand.

"Or else what?!" She tried to take her hand from his grip but he tightened his grip. 

Gemma was breathing hard, her nostrils flared, and her body trembled. She couldn't believe that Miguel would say a thing like that to her. He was supposed to be consoling her but instead, he was busy throwing accusations at her. How could he think that she killed their child? Why would she think like that? Did the thought ever cross her mind? Yes. But she didn't do it. 

Gemma forcefully pulled her hand from his grip and then she pushed his chest with her both hands. Her lips trembled she tried to speak but no words came out. 

"Stop it!" Miguel warned as Gemma pushed him again.