No Reason To Love

One week later

Gemma stared at the divorce papers, they weighed a ton in her hands and she no longer wanted to be in possession of it. She has used this past week to think about what she really does want and she still hasn't been able to make up her mind about it.

If she wants still wants to remain married to Miguel even if she knows that he doesn't love her and would never do so. Just like Elena had once told her, unrequited love is the most painful and Gemma knows it's true. Does she want to do this for the rest of her life?

But then again, staying away from him doesn't help matters either. She has been miserable for the past weeks that she has been away from him and she doesn't even know which is worse, staying away from him or remaining married to him.

Wanting to find out, She got up from the bed dressed up, and took the divorce papers with her.

"Going out?" Auntie Sophie asked when she saw Gemma stepping out of her bedroom, dressed up.