
A hunt for the famous hunter

Both parties walked together to a nearby cafe to compile and combine information they have about the infamous criminal nicknamed the Vampire Hunter.

They go inside the cafe to be greeted with terrified people feeling the presence of Ikki, though Ikki forgot to compress his own aura after releasing a bit of it with his fight against Forneus.

With that they have also gotten a valuable asset to get information from Acheron, though Acheron may not be willing to cooperate is what questions both Nene and Ikki.

"Well I guess i'm not the only one who felt your aura back there huh." Said Nene in quite a suspicious tone.

"Ahaha, it's nothing." Ikki laughed in an awkward tone, like a kid who was caught doing something bad.

"Let's get to the point, would you mind teaming up hunting for this criminal that's all I ask." Asked Nene in a very polite tone most would say this is to convince Ikki.

"I don't mind aslong as I get to strike that man." Ikki said.

"Alright then it's set now let's talk about how we're gonna strike this man he's a pretty tricky one in my opinion he's way different than his underlings." Replied Nene.

"Well let's go asked our prisoner shall we, both of us are not aware how many more henchmen this criminal has for all we know, we both may fall for a trap that'll get us killed straight."

With that they finished there food and headed straight to a military facility where Archeron is currently being held, this prisoner is heavily guarded you could say the worst criminals are isolated in this prison.

A huge electric barbed wire at the outskirts of the prison atleast 2 guards guarding each door of the facility hundreds of CCTVs and each cell is monitored by the entire military you could say it's almost impossible to escape this prison.

Prison's in the Vampire World are also more sturdy and durable than Human World prisoners and unlike the Human World that uses materials such as Steel to build there prison doors the Vampire World uses diamond-like materials or if not materials way more durable than ones you can find in the Human World.

You can say selling Vampire World materials in the Human World would help the humans evolve there gadgets and tools by merely just a few years or maybe a Century would turn the human world into full on skyscrapers, just like the Vampire World.

Though the Vampire World doesn't take human world money if they'd traded it would only be resources to resources that's what the vampire world want's rather than that vampire's buy and trade stuff by blood, the blood paid is mostly by there own power though there are also some people that give blood they've drank from humans in the human world it truly is like a black market in the vampire world.

"What are you fuckers doing here!" Said Acheron in an angered state.

"Calm, yourself." Well shit how am I gonna get information from this man when he's obviously out of his mind the chances of grabbing information would probably be next to 0% at this point Ikki said to himself.

"Let me guess you're here for information, guess what I ain't giving anything i'll alyways be loyal to my boss don't expect me to give information to people like you." Acheron said.

"Well I guess it's not easy to convince you to give us information, but let me ask you something are you for Good or Evil pick one." Nene asked Acheron.

"Hah, such foolish question of course im for evil are you gonna try to convince me with good? Let me guess." Acheron said.

This guy is gonna be a tough one indeed Victor did choose his henchmen rightly one a psychopath or maybe the rest are.. Nene said in her mind.

"But let me tell you something. They're coming for you." As acheron said the sentence he left out a grin infront of Nene and Ikki.

"Well tell them we're both ready whenever." Said Ikki in a confident tone.

End of chapter.