
Council Meeting

Meanwhile inside the Vampire Lord's palace the Vampire Lord's retainers will be holding a meeting to discuss the future plans of the vampire world while also deciding how to pick a new leader.

Currently the Vampire Lord has 10 total retainers with 4 of the retainers absent these retainers are entrusted with various functions of the Vampire World, It can be be it's military, agriculture and people that deal with peacekeeping with the human world.

These are the people that currently keep the Vampire World from it's impending collapse and they're currently gathered here today due to these various concerns.

"Well then let's get started with this meeting" A lady wearing a maid outfit says in an elegant posture, the maid speaking is non other than a Vampire Maid.

"Now I will be introducing each party currently gathered in the room."

"The first one we have Alandon in-charge of the countries security."

"Next one we have Cornea in-charge of the countries agriculture."

"Next we have Astrid in-charge of negotiations with the humans world."

"Next we have Zurie in-charge of the army."

"Next we have Astrid " He acts as an extra one that helps the vampire lord with decisions.

"Next we have Gorgon" Just like abaddon they both act as extras.

And there are currently 4 people who are not present in this meeting.

These are the people that are in-charge of securing the Vampire World alongside the Vampire Lord and the currently 4 absentees of the meeting.

"Well then let's get this meeting started." Said Alandon in a casual manner.

"Don't be wastin' my time here, if this is about picking the new leader I don't think we're gonna get anywhere" Said Zurie.

"Oh, oh, don't get ahead of yourself zurie you having one of the most vital positions in the council don't mean much do they?" Said Alandon.

"Well, I should start by saying crime rates are rising high and the human world is probably gonna make a move." Astrid suggested.

"Alright then, this very meeting we shall top to come in a conclusion about who we will be the new leader." Said Cornea.

"Oh, shut up. You guys know well nobody here is a Rank S what much can we do and are we sure the next one to be picked won't go against us?" Said Gorgon.

"Well we must find the successor now, or a war might possibly break out in 2 months and criminal organizations are gonna start moving I heard even Cerberus is making a move."

"Yeah, and there's the problem with the Human World aswell."

"Oh well, let's hope we find the successor before war breaks out."

"We must find a successor as soon as possible."

"Alright currently though i've been informed of something, apparently 2 of the famous Vampire Hunter's henchmen has been caught earlier." Said Zurie.

As zurie said the words most members became intrigued.

"Well, would you like to elaborate more on that?" Said Aladdon.

"Well a kid, killed one of them and got the other one tied up I talked with Liutenant Nene about it though all she said was she felt a powerful presence inside him.

"Could he be who we're looking for?

"Well, keep an eye on him i'm interested now."

"Well it's rare for you to get so interested." Astrid replied to Aladdon in a surprised tone.

"With that let's continue this meeting at a later date."